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Everything posted by PSPR

  1. What's LRL, GB? Does that mean Laughing Really Loud? Are these devices all fake? Should I delete that video? Asking because I know nothing about them.
  2. This video popped up as an ad on my Manticore Youtube search. You gold guys need one of these with a guarantee that it will work. LOL (Deleted Video)
  3. Get a tube of clear Silicone Gel and run a bead around any seam that could leak. Let it dry for a few days before getting it wet. They are just about all going to leak eventually so take precautions.
  4. Don't you need a detectette for your 6 year old to come along with you?
  5. Possibly Minelab is going to throw in a Go-Find with every Manticore purchase in December. They are making these 2 for 1 detector deals on on some other detectors for December. That could give Manticore sales a boost if they can make enough of them and get them shipped out in time for Christmas.
  6. Nice finds, Calmark. Or are you Kalmark now with that new ring? I plugged in a coin program I found on youtube into my new Legend that sounded decent but the weather here in the Dallas area has been too cold and wet (mostly wet) for me to get out with it beyond my yard.
  7. Finally! A new video is coming tomorrow of a Manticore field test in Arizona. Possibly a gold test for the Manticore. UPDATE: Well, no gold test. Just a Target Trace demo using iron and silver coins ON Arizona desert soil. Informative but it seems Minelab doesn't want any gold or aluminum to get under the coil of the Manticore during pre-release. And then there is Merrill in NYC. This guy is funny but he deciphers the cryptic Minelab video from the other day. (Actually I don't think it is a Z. It makes more sense that it is a 2 just like the 2's in the date.)
  8. I've already done this. Send me my Manticore on December 1st, Minelab.
  9. The Aussi dealer I talked to a couple weeks ago was, supposedly, told by Minelab the Manticore would be released at the end of November and in customer's hands by the 15th of December. Sounds like the same statement. I just don't know what the "good things come in pairs" means.
  10. Yeah, she thinks it was from another solar system. LOL Not likely in the least. I would have loved to go meteor hunting when I was younger. It would be too much walking to find those things now at my age. I would need to buy a helicopter and go look on the ice for specimens.
  11. Hopefully that will all come crashing down in 6 days when they release the Manticore. I probably won't want anyone else to buy one if it works great for me. Maybe I'll go into radio silence on its abilities. LOL
  12. Here I am playing this silly Minelab game again. Instead of seeing "Z's" every where in the ML video what if the sideways Minelab logo is just another "2"? Its form is exactly like the 2's in the date just Minelab red instead. Yes, look at the 2's in the date. They are exactly like the ML logo on its side. If that's the case, forget about a new GPZ being released. It will have something to do with the Manticore or Equinox. Maybe a major software upgrade for the Equinox.
  13. I was told Wednesday by Customer Service that the manual may not be released until the detector is released. (Trade Secrets in the Manual?)
  14. Could be skins for the Manticore like they have for the Go Find. I really don't care for the "skins" unless it would make it invisible to others around you. Stealth Detecting.
  15. There is a new Manticore discussion video on facebook that is impressive. This guy got to use it at a competition and explains a little about the helpfulness of the Target Trace feature. It's on this page. Just scroll down a little to see it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1439960826505437
  16. Darn it!! I guess I'll jump through their hoop one more time. What if they are going to release two machines on the same day? A GPZ and the Manticore. "Good Things Come In Twos."
  17. Somebody said they see Z's throughout the video. The 2's, the sideways logo, etc. I'll give them that. If it isn't the Manticore release on 12/1 it will be coming soon regardless but I'm not going to jump through any more hoops for the Minelab psych marketing team. Unless I just did.
  18. I'm so glad he found the owner and returned it. That had to make EVERYONE'S day.
  19. I've got to agree with you about this forum. There are a lot of mature, knowledgeable people here. I appreciate the knowledge and insight they provide. Alas, I am probably the least mature of the lot here. Quite a feat for an old man.
  20. I'm sure they read the posts on the 4 or 5 MD forums that still exist and it must make them laugh profusely to watch all of us chase our tails as they string us along.
  21. Minelab's announcement of an announcement has certainly accomplished their goal - Make it vague and confusing enough to get everyone talking about Minelab products. I'm not fond of Minelab's marketing tactics. It feels like a big game to them and I really don't want to play anymore.
  22. Right basstrackerman. The date is made from the skin of a Manticore. Better the Second Time Around refers to the improved Multi-IQ. Good things come in twos refers to the Equinox at $800 and the Manticore at $1600. It can be none other than the Manticore release.
  23. I just bought a Fisher F-probe for the range. It will react to a quarter about 5 inches away and you can detune it or lower the range for a regular target search in the hole. You can't find the whites probes anymore. Regarding the announcement, do you really think Minelab would make an announcement about an announcement for something less anticipated than the Manticore? I doubt it.
  24. In the brief video on their facebook page they say "Good Things Come In Twos". Are they going to give us 2 Manticores for the price of one? Or is this going to be an announcement of the ML-105 headphones (they have two earmuffs)? If they give me 2 Manticores for $1600 I'll be happy to wait another month for delivery. Also, in that video, they turn the Minelab logo on it's right side. I can only guess that it makes it sort of look like a detector. I don't know why else they would do that.
  25. Maybe they will give us an Equinox 800 or 600 with each Manticore we buy? (Not likely) Reading the threads around the time the Equinox was released, if I recall, on December 2nd they made an announcement that the Nox would be released around the end of December. Then they did the same in early January announcing an end of month release. I hope they don't say something like that next week.
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