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Everything posted by blackjack

  1. Yeah you said you got medivacced nothing to serious I hope. So clearly I know enough about computers to get myself into trouble, so I need to ask, the rest of you can have chuckle at my expense. when I open that file at my end it gives access to my computer, tell me I haven't opened my desk top to the world. I'm going to have a hard time explaining it to my wife, maybe I just won't tell her. The Axiom is pricey here $ 7,385 au.
  2. Hey mate, interesting to here the history behind sniping I figured that may of been the case, same thing happened in Tasmania with dredging, only thing, when they stopped, it didn't lead to sniping. It's a pretty new thing here. May is a great time to do the trip you did, shame you couldn't come back through Meekatharra. Platypus, we had a visitor to our camp I'll send the video, but I'm tech dumb, hopefully you will get it.
  3. I was thinking the same, must have become world wide because I'm in Australia !
  4. Great Information Lunk, Thanks for taking the time to relay it to us. You did say you didn't test depth or weight, just doing a comparison but can you give us a guess at how small a piece these detectors are able to pick up, say at 1"
  5. Yes mate I wouldn't want to live in a city again, my wife and I have been in the country for 40years now, the last 25 here in Tasmania we have gone to the next level, 50 acres and we can't see our neighbours, but they are good people all the same, we don't lock our doors my shed doors don't even have locks and the keys are left in the car. The birds are a bit noisy in the morning though !
  6. Despite the well meaning solutions put forward, I think Smigo is perplexed by Garretts attitude, Garrett recommending fabricating a skid plate is silly to say the least. Sorry I'm still behind the parapet !
  7. God bless America land of the free, and I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly mean it. Especially when you consider the Nanny state that Australia has become. But although I really believe the U.SA. is the land of the free, I'm with you Reg, they just don't get irony. Too late I've already ducked behind the parapet to avoid the return fire.
  8. Finally to add to what Phrunt said as well as my previous thoughts, when recently, I was considering a new waterproof detector it was this forum that I looked to for 'guidance' not face book or youtube, lets hope that forums like this can continue to stay relevant and provide a trusted source of information, but as with all information, a filter is required. Combined knowledge not ego and opinion.
  9. I can relate to the youtube, facebook thing. It's the younger generations go to. I'm old but not an old fart, I don't have a face book a/c but I do watch a little youtube, but I filter it. I apologize in advance but I do like to illustrate my points so if you are young with an attention span to match stop reading now. I recently hooked up with two young guys half my age, they were interested in looking for gold, in particular sniping as they were 'following' a well known youtuber that operates with considerable success down here in Tasmania. I told them I knew which river he was operating in even though he never mentions locations, I recognized it from one of his videos. We went there and last summer, had a really good season, we even ran into the youtuber on the river even though it's a remote location. So the partnership has been good for all of us, I fast tracked them onto gold and they gave me the opportunity to do some sniping in remote locations in company. They are great guys and we get on well, but you would think after what I described above and considering my age and experience I would have gained some credibility. No they get all there information from facebook and youtube, if it's on youtube it's true, they are intelligent guys but when it comes to social media they just don't seem to have a bullshit filter. I've been detecting for 45 years, one of my partners decided to buy a detector based on a youtube recomendation. I advised him that with out notch discrimination and the high frequency that it ran at, in highly mineralized ground he may have some problems. He pointed out that it ran fine on youtube, I pointed out that the youtuber was running in pipeclay soil with no mineralization, I was ignored, the result is that its not useable in our highly mineralized soils. This the reality of todays marketing strategies and this is why Garrett are focused on facebook. As a former CEO of face book quoted 'we have completely rewired their brains so that they reject reality and embrace tribalism' tribalism in this case being facebook.
  10. California looks pretty cool sniping rivers and desert and some nice looking gold
  11. Hey Deep Beeps, Yes I was joking about the flies and heat, definitely something I don't miss about the mainland, I grew up in W.A moved to Tasmania when I was in my mid forties, 20 odd years ago, so I know it pretty well, I started detecting over there in the mid seventies. Small world, you mentioned Karijini NP my first big trip metal detecting was to a place just S/W of there called Top Camp on Fords creek a tributary of the Ashburton River in the mid seventies with my dad, we were the first in there with state of the art Garrett Groundhogs We started sniping late summer before the last, last summer was our first full season, so summer is the best time. Winter is too cold and the rivers have too much flow so you are limited to smaller creeks if you can brave the cold the water in winter can get down to 2 degrees centigrade [ 36 fahrenheit] Summer is about 12-14 c. We work the same river as Levi and have bumped into him on the river a couple of times much to his surprise, it's all pretty low key and secretive over here, everyone's staying tight lipped, about locations. As a sniper you would know how easy it is to work out an area. At the moment are waiting for the river levels and flow to come down. We had some big floods last winter and are curious to see if there's been any replenishment to the areas we cleaned out last summer. See my post in Tasmania's Largest Nuggets on this forum for some pics, if you are interested. Keep your crevice hook sharp and stay safe.
  12. So I may be in an odd place as a Equinox 800 user, but my main use is nugget shooting, with a bit of relic hunting just to swing a detector. I needed a waterproof machine, but really only water resistant, in fact I sold my Excalibur II to buy the nox so I'm not interested a submersible just something that can handle a dunking when I take a spill on the kayak. Unless the new 900 is better on gold than the 800 then at $500 au cheaper the 800 is better value to me. Okay the 6" coil cost me $200 au but that is offset by the fact that the 800 came with the WM08 module. I can live without the telescopic shaft. Swings and roundabouts. Phrunt has addressed this I'm just giving another perspective. As to faulty ears well it may be a case of famous last words, but I use a pick to dig and move rocks not the coil.
  13. Spot on Chuck I bought an equinox 800 4 months ago, added the 6" coil and would like to have a telescopic shaft, as well as having more confidence in it's waterproof abilities. Sound's like the 900 ! Whilst Minelab are in the detector business, would it be too obvious to observe that they are in the money making business a little more. Us minions will never outguess big business, buy the 900 and be happy for new buyers when Minelab supersede it, as I am for you.
  14. You both make valid points, targets are missed, case in point is The Leonora specking patch, its been throwing up gold for 45+ years. But when you hear from a reliable source [not youtube] that has gone over ground thoroughly with new technology and found gold each time they use the 'improved' version you have to also acknowledge that the technology is indeed improving. Especially when the targets are getting smaller and deeper. When GPS technology improves to the point of being mm. [or inch] perfect we will see the end of missed targets. I for one hope that never happens
  15. Interesting topic it seems that California has similar rules to Tasmania. Rules are in place for the minority that given a free hand will trash the environment. For the rest of us this is an unfortunate fact we must live with. Tasmania allows river sluices to be used, but when there is no flow doesn't allow the use of a battery powered bilge pump. Like politics we are catering to the lowest common denominator.
  16. Interesting break down Deep Beeps, more found sniping than detecting, I'm in Tasmania, a great place to snipe a lousy place to detect. As successful as sniping has been for me, I do miss detecting on the mainland, the desert, the big skies, endless sunshine, the heat, the flies, the..............
  17. Well I'm 68 years old, I've been around, I'm Australian, like it or not we do talk like that, at times. Such a time was the circumstances in that video. The excitement was infectious and real so I personally didn't mind it. For those that didn't I understand, they did get a bit carried away, but that's what people do when there's a camera involved. It's a nice find and I'm trying to relate it to my finds, not as good as that one but a 23 grammer found with my dad, not one woop or holler. Sniping with two young guys who had never found gold, a 30 gram day for basically their first trip, some quiet high fives at weigh in. But sniping is different the excitement is spread out over the entire day. A bit carried away yes, but it was a nice nugget so let them have their moment.
  18. You raise a very good point despite the advances in technology, the fact that locations just keep throwing up gold, must mean that gold is 'missed' on a regular basis.
  19. Sorry old and frail and failing eye sight, the end of my first post should be 12oz. in two weeks, not !2 oz. in two weeks, pedantic as well I guess.
  20. Hey Smigo, just off topic for a minute, yes you are right Tasmania is a poor place to detect, see my post on Tasmania's Largest Nuggets, topic by geof_junk, thanks for that g_j. it's a great place to snipe, but it's true that as much fun as sniping is I do miss detecting. But as Steven Wright once quipped 'you can't have everything, where would you put it' ? Back on topic, sorry phrunt, what if the new lures caught more fish ?
  21. Yes Dick Stouts cartoon is incisive, but part of the problem as I see it it that the manufactures are coming up with better metal detectors, this is forcing people into the left hand side line. My budget is limited so therefore are my options, after many years using a Garrett Groundhog [yes you read it right ] I decided to lash out and buy a X-terra 705, say no more. After moving to Tasmania from Western Australia my nugget hunting with a detector has been limited, Tasmania is not detector friendly. Last summer I stared sniping so was looking for a water proof detector so I bought an Equinox 800, I liked the X-terra but the nox blows it out of the water. To further illustrate my point, sorry I'll try not to labor it, I heard from my cousin in Western Australia recently, he had a dry blowing operation at Reedy and worked his lease professionally for many years, his wife myself and others hammered the area with detectors for 30 years. He has detected the lease using a new generation Minelab P.I. machine each time they came out, He has since retired but recently with his wife went back to his old lease armed with GPX 6000's, !2 oz. in two weeks !
  22. It's true Tasmania is not very detector friendly, rainforest does make things difficult, but we have some pristine rainforest rivers that are ideal for sniping. My first season sniping last summer 72 gram between three of us in 3 weekends, not too shabby.
  23. Thanks for that V.L. it does seem the sensitive nose on the Coiltek is an advantage, that design criteria now makes sense to me, useful information, your advice is appreciated.
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