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SDC Threshold Question

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Are stable threshold settings on the sdc (1,2,3...etc.) dependent more on ground conditions than anything else? The reason I ask is I have not been able to run the threshold on my sdc less than #3. On 1 and 2 the threshold is intermittent and "warbely" and basically un-huntable . On 3 she's stable and I'm finding the tiniest bits of gold. Iv'e hunted various locations here in Central Arizona and always have to set it to #3 to get a stable threshold that is not intermittent. Normal?



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Chris is referring to the gain settings knob on the side of the control box.  I believe Bado is referring to the number of bars as they advance on the led read out on the handle when the threshold button is pushed.   


I also prefer running my threshold at 3 or 4 bars to get a more stable threshold.  I, too, have found some pretty small pieces at those levels that initially were indicated only by a small break in the threshold.  I think I may not have heard them if the threshold was set lower.

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But the gold will break thru at the lower "threshold" settings in my experience---- it is just very taxing on the mind to listen to the warble ---so if it feels better at 3, that's where i would hunt.


I find if i have to listen to too much chatter..... it is not a good experience for me and i will quit earlier---that's a personal choice----and that is also why i am selling my SDC.


No doubt it will pick up the fly specks and some spongy crazy looking nuggets, but that is not for me.



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Yes, I was referring to the LED threshold settings not the sensitivity (gain) settings. On 1 or 2 the threshold is only audible intermittently no matter what the gain is on. On threshold 3 she is very stable (in the proper gain setting) and the threshold is a nice constant hum.


I ask because I read posts where guys are hunting on 1 or 2 which would not be possible IMO with the way my machine sounds. Perhaps it's my hearing? I'm def in my right ear because that's the side of the car my wife sits on. Seriously, though, I didn't know if something was wrong with my machine. I guess if I'm finding fly spec gold at the #3 setting it's all good? Although, I hope a higher threshold setting wouldn't "mask" or over power a deep faint target? Thanks for your answers!



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Yep, solely set for the ground conditions Dean, and in conjunction with the set-up you run, and any gain level change usually needs a threshold level change for clearer running.

The threshold levels on the SDC are also dependent on how you set the unit up, wether it's own speaker, the type of headphones you run that you feel give you clarity at certain threshold levels, if you run a nicely suited Amp in conjunction with those headphones or Speaker, and the quality of Amp or Speaker in regards to white-noise produced by some of that gear.

Some Amp's and Speakers certainly don't match the 2300.

(You seem to be doing quite well with SDC anyway, but if you can, find the right Amp/Headphone combo so you can really concern the Threshold and Gain compatibility much better.

Hunt up some old headhone jack Amps as they are much better suited to the SDC than most new ones on the market at the moment, and try some old 8ohm, 16ohm and 32ohm headphones with it, as well as new higher impedence phones)

I have an old Amp connected to a speaker permanently set up on mine so I cannot collapse the unit. It suits me because of the miles of walking I do and I'm not tied to unit, but I would be better off with headphones.

I run my levels of gain and threshold at the high edge of stability but never over. I never worry if threshold is a little too high on these units and prefer it, as long as I'm just past smooth I'm happy.

They aren't a particularly deep detector anyway and I gave up concentrating on deep whispers long ago as the SDC's aren't exactly engineered to nice deep whisper responses.

If I'm on ground that needs/warrants a gain of 2, I won't work that ground with it and prefer a couple of VLF's and a couple of PI's over it for better depth and the same level of ground handling ability at that level 2 gain.

I like the SDC, love it sometimes, and don't think I'll ever sell it as I've spent time and money to set it up well and with the re-sale value dropping every month, but it does dissapoint me in a few ways.

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Yes, I was referring to the LED threshold settings not the sensitivity (gain) settings. On 1 or 2 the threshold is only audible intermittently no matter what the gain is on. On threshold 3 she is very stable (in the proper gain setting) and the threshold is a nice constant hum.

I ask because I read posts where guys are hunting on 1 or 2 which would not be possible IMO with the way my machine sounds. Perhaps it's my hearing? I'm def in my right ear because that's the side of the car my wife sits on. Seriously, though, I didn't know if something was wrong with my machine. I guess if I'm finding fly spec gold at the #3 setting it's all good? Although, I hope a higher threshold setting wouldn't "mask" or over power a deep faint target? Thanks for your answers!


I purchased mine from Rob Allison and at the field instructions he gave me he told me to run the threshold on 2 so you just get that faint "mosquito buzz". Before that I was treating it more like a volume control and had it turned up way too high (noob mistake).

I'm sure I missed a few faint whispers by having it set too high.

Then from there I adjust the gain as high as it will allow while still being stable and not giving me false signals. Super easy machine to use.

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Thanks Guys,


That makes me feel much better. 

I'm hunting again on Sat. afternoon as the temps are supposed to be low this weekend. My buddy just bought a pair of Detector Pro 150ohm headphones so i will check them out and see how they do on the SDC.


Yes, "deep" is a relative term when refering to the SDC. But it is what it is. Super easy as Tortuga says. I love it so far.


My buddy is absolutely deadly with his GP3500 and finds fly spec gold as well as larger deeper nuggets but it is noisy by comparison to the SDC. He has learned it's language well though.

My new area has lots of shallow schist bed rock very well suited to SDC hunting. The largest nugget has been only .7 grams but the area has produced consistently so I can't complain. The area is not known for slugs anyway but is very close to home so it's all good. 


Thanks for the amp tips, Argyle. I will do some experimenting.



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