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Suggestion For Construction Site


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I am looking for suggestions for detecting at a construction site. A local village has sold some property that was once a baseball/football field to a store.

Currently they have removed the top 4 inches of the site and has placed it along the perimeter of the job site, and is going to take out the next 12 inches of soil to bring in new soil in which to build on. 

I have permission to check what ever ground I want as long as I don't interfere with the construction, and then there is the rest of the property that will be needed to be gone over.

The topsoil and grass that they have placed on the outer edge is 5 feet tall by about 6 feet wide and is in a lot of clumps.

These areas is the outfield of the ball field and the main playing field for football that they have moved the soil on.

So if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear how to do this search. I have only been there for about 20 minutes and have found about 11 coins already. I would have stayed longer, but I didn't notice my battery level being on 1 bar.


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Just do it.   If you’re new to the machine just start with park1 and hunt away.  Pay attention to  any patterns that develop as to where good targets are located.  If you manage to hunt everywhere before they move more dirt then try park2 or alter settings in 1 and go over it again.  Usually with construction areas they work so fast that you usually don’t get to hunt it all.  Put the coil to the soil and go find some goodies!!?

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9 hours ago, 2Valen said:

I have only been there for about 20 minutes and have found about 11 coins already.

Sounds like you're in the right spot!  You didn't say if you've been searching the freshly opened area or the piles.  You also didn't mention the age of your finds.  IMO, it's the old finds that are more difficult to find in general so go for those, even if less plentiful.  Consistent with Noah said about time being of the essence, I would concentrate on the cleared area and get to the piles later (if the latter is even possible).  It will be interesting to see if there is anything in the ground after they clear the next 12 inches.  It could go either way, depending upon the history of this location and the density of the ground.

My suggestion (similar to Noah's) is to not waste any time.  Sounds like a lot of area to cover and they aren't going to stop and wait for you to finish.


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Since I posted this it has rained and the whole area is under about 4 inches of water and the mud makes it impossible to walk. The construction is at a standstill for now and I am looking for my old rubber boots. Don't know if I will be able to sift the mud and water to get to anything yet but I am sure going to try it.

Yesterday all the coins I had found were from the late 30's to early 50's so I know it is going to be fun!

I will give everyone updates on what I find, Valen

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This is what I have found in just 3 hours today after I mowed the yard.

I just got back and ran some water over this batch of finds and patted them dry.

I found so many rusted nuts and bolts I lost count. Those rang up as a solid 12 so I dug them thinking of a nickel.

The chain that I found is Silver and has Mother of Pearl in a tear drop shape and that was the first thing that I hit.

Who would have thought that it was sitting right on top of the soil and not in bad shape. I did place it in my ultrasonic jewelry cleaner and I think it came out fairly nice. 

The coins were found within 2 to 4 inches deep since the grass was removed.

I have not yet searched more than a third of the area yet due to all the hits I had, so tomorrow I will be back there again.


ball field day 1.jpg

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Thanks for the encouragement, but I am afraid that come Monday it will be over when they move the rest of the soil and haul it off.

I forgot to mention that this side of the Ball Field was straight down the first base line to the outfield. The section that they had the ground cleared is about 75 feet past the first base and about another 100 feet down the line. They have gone to second base to the outfield in a pie wedge for the building and parking lot.


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Be here around 9:30 and you can join me, it only takes a few hours for you to get here.

If I wasn't so tired right now I would be looking, but I mowed for 5 1/2 hours before I went there today. I also helped a friend take down a large oak tree for firewood and that by itself was hard enough.

When I was in my 20's I could go for days before getting any sleep, but I am over 60 now and it seems that hard work just kills me anymore.


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