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First Accessory Coil For The Simplex

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6 hours ago, phrunt said:

Yes, but that involves shipping, paying GST Tax twice (once for each country) and also customs duties which are the killer.  Ends up far more expensive than if I could just buy it locally.  It'd be cheaper to buy an Equinox locally than a Simplex from OZ.

Ugh, that is the pits.

Maybe Nokta can come through with some sort of direct sale arrangement in exchange for some additional experienced user exposure by you, Simon, on this forum and in NZ ...hint, hint.  (Hey, it was worth a shot, lol).

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Tom I want a thin 8" & 9" concentric coils like this for the Simplex. Sweeps thru the water so nice.


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On 10/12/2019 at 9:44 PM, phrunt said:

As expected the NZ Nokta dealer never returned my email even though email is his recommended point of contact.  He'll just put customers off buying Nokta as it's so difficult to do so. I've had the same experience every time I try buy a Nokta product and just give up.  He's replied to an email once a few weeks after I sent it.


Time to consider a real dealer Nokta perhaps one of the proper established ones like https://www.dredgenz.co.nz/ that has a retail store and operates like a real business if he's interested in taking Nokta on.

Hello there..can you please do me a favor and contact me at dilek.gonulay@noktadetectors.com as this is a concern for me and the company. Thank you so much!

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Seems a bit crazy to run a business without any direct contact number, even if it is a secondary source of income or a home run business.  Quite the opposite here in OZ with Phasetech selling Makro/Nokta detectors, couldn't ask for a better and more knowledgeable person to deal with on sales and after service.

Hopefully Dilek will get you all sorted.

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6 hours ago, phrunt said:

I forwarded my email to him again this morning from a different email address (my gmail) just to be sure he's getting it thinking surely he'll reply now that I've tried again, it might jog his memory about my first email, but no.... nothing, try it, send the guy an email I bet he won't reply.  I doubt he checks the email address at all.


Even if he eventually replies I could never give my money to this guy and trust him to deliver the goods, this is the 3rd time I've had the same experience of either not getting a reply at all or getting one months later just trying to buy a product from this outfit.  I would have tried to phone him but of course his partially working website doesn't provide a phone number to contact, only an email address at Gmail.  No street address either as it's run out of his house I guess.   I sent you an email about it yesterday Dilek under the name Simon.

Last time I emailed him in May, finally got a reply in August.

This entire thing is very disappointing, I realize it's not Nokta's fault however it sure reflects badly on the brand when this is our only place to attempt to buy Nokta in New Zealand.  I bet NZ sales numbers are VERY low.

I emailed you and asked you whether I can call you to ask a few questions. This is definitely not good for our business. Please check your email and thank you very much for the support!

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