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50 Tones Default - Tone Pitch 20 Vs 25


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Thanks everyone for putting your time into this post.

I know nothing about the CTX but I have heard that the tones ARE NOT similar to Explorer/Etrac/Safari. I don't know if this is true though. I do know the FBS machines and that's what I was trying to replicate, or at least come close. After all, Nox is not FBS.

My 50 tone non-ferrous pitch is now set to 25 and it is noticeably higher across the scale than default 20.... I like it. I don't know if I'll keep it there however.

I got a permission this morning to run through a small church field and aluminum cans were screaming at me. I've never run into so many whole aluminum cans in the small area I searched. There is so much iron there and with the rain coming down on me I could barely keep my focus on pinpoint and sizing targets. Normally, I walk away from this stuff. 

Rain is in our forecast this weekend so I'll have to wait it out to get back to my 50 tone tweaking. 





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1 hour ago, mn90403 said:

You guys know more than I do so I hope Gordon might be sent this thread and tell us if he still can tune his instrument this way and get the high tones Happa is after.

Mitchel - despite the confusion on the CTX tone break setting, I appreciate your efforts to resurrect Gordon’s setups and provide the PDF link as it gave me some good for thought on other possible setups.  TBH I am not personally looking to have my Equinox emulate a CTX or FBS machine audio, but Happa and you have made me think more about tweaking the the 50 tone pitch gap to better accommodate my hearing loss. Thanks to everyone who contributed in this thread.

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Thanks for adding a lot to Steve's forums.  I think that Flakmagnet could lend us his tone experience here also.

It is topics and 'solutions' like this that help me to think about more optimal setups also.  I'm glad we have a place to discuss it.  

Perhaps there are other places but I don't Facebook or go to other treasure sites where tweaking is the primary point of discussion.  I just happened to remember my beginnings with the 800 and how it took me a while to HEAR what the Equinox was saying.


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Very late to comment here but here is my two cents. I always use 50 tones but leave it at the default pitch setting. I do lower the ferrous tone volume from 12 to 4 however, which makes ferrous a very low level puttering sound to my ear. I like hearing the ferrous as it alerts me to potential target fields but I don't like getting beat up by it.

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On 12/8/2019 at 1:53 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Very late to comment here but here is my two cents. I always use 50 tones but leave it at the default pitch setting. I do lower the ferrous tone volume from 12 to 4 however, which makes ferrous a very low level puttering sound to my ear. I like hearing the ferrous as it alerts me to potential target fields but I don't like getting beat up by it.

I too drop the ferrous tone for the same reasons (audio fatigue is a thing).  I found that by raising the pitch I get those more flutey high tones similar to an Explorer, but hearing is so subjective, that ultimately you have to find your audio comfort zone.

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I agree but unfortunately I have high frequency hearing loss. It’s all about what we can hear and everyone has different ears and different audio processing circuits in their brain. You can have great hearing but still be tone deaf. I had a hearing test recently and my ability to hear sound is identical in both ears, but my ability to comprehend words is lower in my right ear. So my audio processing in my left brain (our brains are cross-wired) is deficient. Interesting stuff.

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Interesting.  I should get a hearing test too.  I remember taking a date to an AC/DC concert in Sacramento in the 80's and we managed to get right in front of a three story speaker stack at the front of the concert (back in the days of general admission).  It was so loud that I had ringing in my ears for days, it actually scared me, figured I was going to go deaf, but after several days the ringing cleared up.   I'm sure it probably did some hearing damage, that and all the other loud music I listened to as a kid :blink:

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