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New Contest: Can You Recognize Gold?

Reno Chris

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So this contest is about looking at nuggets and then telling where they came from. Some gold districts produce nuggets with certain distinctive characteristics, so that the gold can be recognized as to where it came from. Loads of times I have heard guys say things like "I saw that gold he was finding and I can tell where he got it" - Even to the point of accusing other prospectors of trespassing or claim jumping only based on the appearance of their gold.
Sometimes it does work - Some moths back I was talking with a Sourdough Scott at a local GPAA meeting and he was telling me he got some gold at a place which I have also prospected. He showed me a few nuggets, and I sorted them - I told him that these look like they came from that place, but these others don't.  He told me I was correct, the nuggets I selected came from the place where we had both worked, but the others came from a different location.  Still, it's not a very accurate or reliable way of determining where some gold came from in my opinion.
Yet perhaps there are guys better at this game than I am, and if you are, then here is your chance to make something out of your skills.  
Nevada chevron gold is about as characteristic as you can get for very unusual looking gold - there is almost nothing like it. I've selected a bunch of nuggets and some are from the Pershing - Humboldt County Northern Nevada area and some are not (the "not" nuggets are all from outside Nevada).  All you have to do is decide if it's from Northern Nevada or if it's not. Say Yes if you think it is from Nevada, a no answer means you believe its from someplace other than Northern Nevada. Simple as that and no cost to enter.

The prospector with the best score wins a free year's subscription to the ICMJ magazine, and free signed copy of my book Fists Full of Gold. If you get all 30 correct, I'll also send you a check for $100.

See more information at this page:


Just join the ICMJ forum (there is no approval required) and reply to the post above with 30 answers of either Yes (from Northern Nevada) or No (not from Nevada).

Any answers appended to this thread on this forum will not be considered as valid entries - entries must be on the ICMJ forum. There is lots of interesting stuff on mining there, so take a look around when you arrive on the forum.


Some Chevron gold from Northern Nevada:

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There are some truly unique crystalline pieces there all gathered into one post, fun to look at even if a person isn't planning on entering.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Contest is almost over, and there are surprisingly few entries. Someone is going to win, and I guarantee that if you don't enter, the winner wont be you!

I will confess that I have collected photos of gold that look like its from Nevada which are not, and photos that don't look like Nevada gold that actually are. So its not a skill thing as much as you might expect. A big chunk is just the luck of the guess. So do take a look and give an entry. You will have a reasonable chance of winning even if you are not all that familiar with Northern Nevada gold.

See more information at this page:


Just join the ICMJ forum (there is no approval required) and reply to the post above with 30 answers of either Yes (from Northern Nevada) or No (not from Nevada).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The winner is Jasong with 21 of 30 correct. Two others - Swegin and Gold Geo - both got 20 of 30.
Unfortunately, its winner takes all, no prize for second.

The nuggets came from 5 different continents (nothing from Europe or Antarctica). A couple of deposits from Brazil and Venezuela produce nuggets that have a chevron character that look a lot like Chevron gold from Northern Nevada. 

The correct answers are posted on the ICMJ site. http://forum.icmj.com/index.php?/topic/668-new-contest-can-you-recognize-gold/?p=5502

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