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WM12 V Hardwired


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Plug in a booster/headphones into the WM12 (Gpz7000) or plug it directly into the 7000??

Obviously, wire-free would be more convenient but would the signal be clearer/stronger going hardwired?

(I'm not concerned about the minute bit of lag when using a wireless system)

Thought i would ask before testing this on my next trip.

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41 minutes ago, davsgold said:

What about the WM12, you can plug booster or headphones into it as well and still not have any wires connected to the 7000

The only advantage I can see between the WM12 and the Prosonic is the Proconic has a volume control, but if your using a booster these have volume control 

.Maybe I misunderstand what your trying to do?

cheers dave 


Sorry, having a clueless moment...again. Yes i meant the wm12 that comes with the Zed.

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  • The title was changed to WM12 V Hardwired

Sorry guys, have changed the topic title to read WM12 instead of Prosonic. Just trying to get some feedback if bypassing the WM12 wireless system and plugging a booster and headphones into the Zed directly gives a better or clearer target response.

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I always found the WM12 worked well in combo with the B&Z booster. Good clear signal.  
And others report the same with the SPO1. 

Can’t imagine there would be significant difference in audio  by being directly attached with wired headphones but there is a big difference in freedom and usability in being wireless - in my opinion. I hate being tethered. 

WM12 attached to booster attached to speakers or headphones is a great setup I think.  

What booster have you got? 

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Last year when I was in Australia Reg asked me if I had ever used noise cancelling headphones.  I said yes.  He was quite fond of his but he would have to tell you what he used.

I used a pair that were about the size of the Equinox headphones and they had a AAA battery and volume control that was great for the WM 10 and 12.  I found a lot of gold using those phones that I originally bought to listen to audio while on planes.  I had the adapters and at the time I didn't have JP's or the SP01.  The noise cancelling was the trick.

I've tried other audio headphones and now use the headphones that came with the 7000 but it might be time to ... go back to noise cancelling.

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I used a model that is discontinued but was made by Able Planet which is kind of an odd name.  I originally bought them in an airport store.


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The 'problem' with this type of headphone is that they really aren't designed for the outdoors.  If you want to be careful with them and give them some care they will last a couple of seasons and be worth it but don't expect them to last for 5 years or so.  I break all my headphones eventually.

I've sent several back to Koss for replacement and the last time they just 'fixed' my headphones and sent them back.  It was cheaper for them.

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The n/c headphones that I use and recommend are from Aldi. They are called Bauhn and are great value at AU$40.00, rechargeable and very comfortable.  I have been using n/c for years and would never go back to Koss or other phones. I also use Bose n/c earbuds, which are very expensive, rechargeable, and fantastic.

I just don't know why more people don't use noise cancelling.

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