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Hello From Cape Cod


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    Hey Y'all,  new to the forum. I am impressed by willingness to share knowledge and guidance that is evident when browsing through the posts here. I am fairly new to the hobby, got started about 4 yrs. ago when I repaired my friends Fisher 1280x. He let me use it while he got on with a new MX sport. I acquired an AT Pro 3 yrs.ago an have had limited outings, I had no luck at the ocean beaches and have stuck to land use.Recently I repaired a Whites Classic iii SL and still need to get familiar with it.I retired last may and have been getting out a lot more finally hitting some Silver and Gold, but I struggle with the AT sounds (I am a longtime musician) the iron grunt drives me batty, so I bought an Alter 71 and love it.It has stepped up my game considerably. Being  an info junkie and a minor techno geek this pursuit satisfies my curiosity and discovery longings in many way. 

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Welcome, Kevin!  Sounds like you have the tools and the motivation.  Continue working on honing your skills with experience.  Yes, one of the key objectives of this site is sharing knowledge.  Glad you are joining us and will be chipping in.


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Thanks, I have been sidelined due to shoulder surgery and this forum is helping my sanity.I can get out for limited hunts and start putting into practice the tips I receive here.looking forward to some beach hunting with the Alter 71, I also have permission to some old county properties to look forward to. Having found a beautiful silver ring as well as a nice good ring the week before Mothersday my wife encourages me, unlike some other hobbies !! I can also include my grandchildren at times.

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Welcome Kevin,

I am glad to see you here and hope that you will share for photos of finds and your knowledge of detectors.

There are many others here to help with any questions that you might have.

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Hello Kevin,

That's one beautiful,  and historic area you live in! Glad to have you on the forum! Bring on the finds!!??

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Thanks guys, I look forward to learning more . I am going to try and post pics soon.My buddy and I hope to do a road trip as soon as I get out of this sling, one armed digging is tiresome LOL. but doable. I have access to the Old County farm , an old family farm down Cape, another friend has an old farm about 50 miles north.2 yrs.ago I did a little detecting at My wife's family farm in Southern Ohio 20 min ride to Kentucky. Her Uncle is a history buff that has collected many arrowheads, he told me that close to his home was a known location of Morgans Raiders.A great guy, he converted part of the farm to a golf course and there was an Indian burial mound that a local historian started to excavate, Uncle Phil halted construction until all materials found were returned and the mound restored.He told me- I love history but will not abide desecration, all peoples loved ones should be respected- that is a good man in my book!!

   I detected around the old log cabin site where My in laws lived and found a silver plated spoon,Uncle Phil said it was his mom's so I insisted he keep where it belongs. I gotta get back to that beautiful area this year. Uncle Phil's one tip" look around the outhouses" 

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Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have a bit of electrical engineering behind you. Maybe we can pick your brains too.

Nice avatar btw :)

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Welcome aboard Kevin, I think you picked a great hobby and even better forum!!! I'm waiting on your finds to be posted, Remember we all have the good and bad days. Don't be afraid of posting the crappy stuff, It keeps us all in check when we get over confident. Glad your here my friend.

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Welcome aboard, Kevin! You've landed in a great place. Looking forward to hearing more about your detecting adventures.

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