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8 hours ago, Jim in Idaho said:

Once I get caught up on the chores I neglected while prospecting,

What are you talking about, chores?

Prospecting is the main chore we should be doing all the time.

I think everything else are projects such as, mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, weed eating the gardens, all honey do  it now items, and anything else that gets in the way.

Remember if your healthy and have fun at what you do it is good.

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Yup...I have a 3 acre place, and two of it is pasture I rent out. Takes 5 days every 2 weeks to keep it watered, but I have to move the pipe. Also keeping the lawns mowed and watered.  So, I can take off for a few days out of every two weeks. That's not bad. Gives me time for research, pickup and camper maintenance, etc.


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OK, guys. The XRF gun said it's 96% copper. A bit over 1% lead. 1/2% nickel about 1% Tin 1% iron 1%manganese If they add up to more than 100% it's because I'm approximating. There was some other trace stuff. I expected the copper to be lower. I also think i screwed up the SG test. I knda thought, when I did that, it was low.


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Based on the XRF result the black rind would be the oxidized lead and manganese then.  Interesting that it overtook the copper in color~ I was thinking more silver would have been involved.  Thanks for the results.

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12 hours ago, Jim in Idaho said:

OK, guys. The XRF gun said it's 96% copper.

Is the area you were detecting known for native copper?  I was under the impression that is something quite unusual.


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1 hour ago, GB_Amateur said:

Is the area you were detecting known for native copper?  I was under the impression that is something quite unusual.


Yes...up in the mountains I found two copper nuggets last fall. But they were bright copper-colored under the tarnish. And, they were much smaller, and rough.-edged.


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  • 5 weeks later...

OK guys....got the assay results back. It's roughly 83.5% copper; 5.62% aluminum; 7.33% silicon, and 1.7% Titanium. I'll attach the file, in case anybody is interested. I was surprised how little manganese was in it....much less than then earth's average.


J Nelson 7.7.2020.PDF

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