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DeLorme InReach Satellite Text Communicator

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  • 3 months later...

Sounds like a good idea for me----- I have a few cardiac issues and more than too much weight on my bones,,,so crawling in and out of canyons may get the better of me one day-----


But i look at it two ways---


1- Maybe i would get the treatment needed to keep me prospecting for years to come---or

2- Maybe i would never be able to prospect again if i did come out alive---- soooooooooo...should i push the talk button or not,,,lol


I always said i would rather check out falling face first into a dig hole with a 4 ouncer in my hand and a big grin on my face--- than in a nursing home with a bib on........


I realize it is probably a good thing for most to have---me included-- but being a nurse i see the other side of  the "quality of life" issue that makes me never want to be long term care patient...


After all that is said i think the iridium sounds the best.--I also think HAM radio is good.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using the SPOT for many years. It does have a very rudimentary kind of transmit. If you set it up with your home computer, you can transmit signals that will leave a waypoint on your home computer, so concerned loved ones can see where you are in real time. 



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  • 4 months later...

Well, I finally activated my InReach account. There is a one time activation fee. After that, you choose the level of service you want (number of text messages per month). The key thing is the service is by the month and can be activated when you need it, or the account put on hold indefinitely when you do not. The basic plan is only $15 per month http://www.inreachdelorme.com/product-info/subscription-plans.php

That only gives me ten text messages sent or received, but the unit allows you to send a few preset messages in unlimited numbers. I created some like "arrived safely", "on way home", and "delaying return".

These can be sent to email addresses or as phone texts. I sent one to my wife's email just to make sure it worked and it did just fine.

All good as far as I can see and so I sold my satellite phone to a friend. I highly recommend the Delorme InReach for anyone spending much time outside cell range. The minimal cost per month and ability to send two way messages make it a great option. The simple way to look at it is this. The other options let you send for help in an emergency. That is good. But what about an emergency at home? This lets my wife know she can reach me if need be at any time. She can send me a text message. The catch is I have to look for it, an so every morning and evening I check the InReach to see if I have any incoming messages. Otherwise I leave mine off to conserve battery power.

Delorme InReach Color Brochure


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Yeah, InReach sounds good. When I originally purchased my pre-paid Istatphone it was $100 for 2 years credit, just repaid and over the years its crept up to $125 for 6 months credit or $600 for 12 months. Get you in and bleed you, sort of.

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