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Building A Large Coil For Gold Kruzer

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Hello everybody,

I want to build my own large coil (just exactly as GOLD KRUZER GK40 COIL) as I can’t get a new one in my area for certain reasons. Can anyone here help providing:

1- how many turns in RX & TX?

2- size of wire used in both dd coils?

3- the way the wires and shields wires are connected at the bottom and in the connector pins?

(the last point confused me, couldnt figure out how they connected those wire!!)

appreciate your guide and help.


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Can you get the connectors for it? Seems like most companies use proprietary connectors for coils. I wanted to build one for my Tesoro while back and gave up. Chances of finding out the number of winds and guage wire is also kept secret by the companies though wouldn't hurt to ask.

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39 minutes ago, kac said:

Can you get the connectors for it? Seems like most companies use proprietary connectors for coils. I wanted to build one for my Tesoro while back and gave up. Chances of finding out the number of winds and guage wire is also kept secret by the companies though wouldn't hurt to ask.

As long as you have Tesoro, check the link below,, it may help you building your own coil.

thanks for your reply


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9 minutes ago, PimentoUK said:

I recommend signing up to this website, Geotech1 , where the technical side of detecting, including coil-building, are discussed. The Gold Kruzer is a new model, though, so you may be the first person to try and make a coil for it.

Thanks for the advice,, in fact, I sacrificed the small dd coil that came with the detector and found that one coil has 24 turns (0,5 mm wire) & 88 turns (0,18 mm) .. I think this can help identifying inductance and resistance. The thing that confused me was the way the wires are connected, I could not understand how as I destroyed everything inside ?.

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19 minutes ago, Sven1 said:

You need an inductance and ohm  meters also an oscilloscope.

Many DD coils have a small circuit board in them.


Best to join Geotech, they have a specific forum for coil building.

Nokta/Makro use M12 connectors

coil_data.pdf 24.39 kB · 1 download TGSLCoil Making.pdf 571.18 kB · 1 download

Thanks for the informative reply. Yes, it has a small circuit in it, and it is what makes things confusing to me as I know nothing about that. I will attach some pics for that later, as specialists may understand and provide help.

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If you can't get a genuine Nokta coil for what ever reason then you can check out the coils from Mars and CORS. They have similar sized coils. I personally try to get a factory coil first but if the option isn't there then 3rd party options are good.

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23 minutes ago, kac said:

If you can't get a genuine Nokta coil for what ever reason then you can check out the coils from Mars and CORS.

I point out that NEL is the same company as CORS.  Thus when searching, might as well have an eye open for both labels.

23 minutes ago, kac said:

I personally try to get a factory coil first but if the option isn't there then 3rd party options are good.

This is another one of the apparently many controversial/debatable 'feelings' among detectorists:  which are better, coils made by the same company as the detector manufacturer or coils made by a 3rd party aftermarket seller.  In the end it may be splitting hairs, but you'll never convince some people (on either side).  ?  Often they don't compete as far as size & shape or even type (concentric vs. DD), though, so the dimensions make the decision somewhat easier.  Best would be a side-by-side comparison but who (besides Phrunt) can afford that?

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