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Prospecting With Your Seven Senses

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Sight, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Vestibular (balance) and Proprioception (strength and movement of body) or your basic 7 senses. There are really more senses our bodies have such as sense of Temperature (hot/cold) or even Extrasensory Perception (ESP, detect here) the list goes on. We use what we where given to enhance our ability to fill our pokes. The other day out prospecting, I heard this tiny whisper of a signal. I cut down a couple inches and slid my coil in for another listen, a much better signal and one that told me was gold. My guess, was another couple inches down so busting up the dirt just a couple more inches, I noticed a glint as I was about to pull my pick and more dirt loose (left photo). I took a closer look (right Photo) and it was a dink nugget for sure...lol. I didn't smell or taste this nugget, but it's in the poke for some tasty steaks on a future shopping list. It's going to be cold and wet here in NorCal for a couple days, time for me to think where my pointy finger will lead me next! Bottom line is use your sense(s)...lol. Until the next hunt



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