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Gamma Ray Treatment Of Concentrates?

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Caught some info online today about an inventor named ..............He spoke of a patented a process that treated black sand concentrates with gamma rays. this was said to have greatly increased recoverable gold.

this ties in to a hypothosis i have abt "growing" gold.

does anyone know anything about this process?


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Lots of folks out there running off the rails.

Chris, to whom or to what end was this posts directed? why make it ,other than t be antagonistic in nature?

I may not be as typical as most people but dont consider myself "off the rails".

Perhaps its the author you spoke of, which may be true.

ANYWAY, i was asking a question about this claimed to be patented process, (not requesting elementary replies that have no constructive input) and whether or not anyone had heard or knew of such a thing.


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Spencer - I apologize if my comment was vague. In no way did I mean this as an insult against you.



However, there are lots of folks out there who claim all sorts of mysterious processes to extract gold, silver and platinum group metals out of stuff that contains no significant amounts of gold, silver or platinum group metals. Many, many folks have spent their life savings on these get rich quick schemes.

I did an article for the ICMJ magazine about mining industry scams a few years back and there are no small number of individuals who are willing to make outrageous claims and take your money. 

Irradiating concentrates with gamma rays will accomplish nothing. There are small amounts of gamma rays naturally in the ground due to traces of elements like uranium, potassium and Zirconium in rocks. Over the lifetime of a rock for many hundreds of millions of years, they already get quite a dose of Gamma naturally. Gamma does very little to rocks - but hey, it sounds really cool and something great for a promoter to hype! Something where a certain number of folks may get caught up in mysterious claims and invest money to get rich quick.

Patents are a dime a dozen and mean almost nothing unless you are developing a competing process. Anyone can apply for one at any time. Certain types of design patents are very easy to obtain. A patent by no means proves that a process is valid, economic or even functional.

There is no process to "neutralize" radiation - except in Science fiction. If a person is exposed to radiation, the damage is done. Medicines can deal with the symptoms, but cannot undue or neutralize the radiation. Rocks get no medicines for symptoms, and once irradiated are irradiated.


So my comment was directed at Mr. Lyne.

A quick google search for "William Lyne, from New Mexico" will reveal he is wildly into the occult, paranormal, UFOs, strange conspiracy theories, space aliens, "Ether physics" and other topics that are very much "Off the rails". I would put zero credibility in any of his claims.

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I don't know anything about Mr. Lyne, but as a former nuclear engineer, I can tell you though, that Chris is right, Gamma or cosmic or x-rays or any other high frequency rays just will not have any noticeable effect on gold or black sand.  Basically the gamma rays are going to pass right through small layers of sand with or without gold particles.  At nuclear reactor sites the gamma rays were shielded by 20 feet of water, 6 to 8 feet or high density concrete or a foot or two of lead; the beta rays by lead sheeting and the alpha's by a piece of paper.  Bricks of gold would be a better shield than lead, but cost prohibitive as we all know. 


And of course you can't neutralize radiation-you can clean it, extract it and concentrate it and coat it with ceramics for storage as we did at the National Reactor Testing Station.


You could, I suppose bombard gold with certain frequencies of radiation, detect the back scatter and analyze that signature to determine the presence of gold and you would have a nuclear metal detector.  But the weight of the shielding and all the detection equipment would be prohibitively unweildy.  Soils labs use density meters to test for compaction that have radioactive pellets sheilded up inside, that give compaction readings when pushed down into a hole the soil.  Sorry for rambling on so much.

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I haven't read the book or article, but I'm guessing the idea is something along the lines of nuclear transmutation, or in other words changing one element to another via bombardment of high energy radiation. Gamma rays are high enough energy to be ionizing and thus it is possible that they could alter the physical or chemical structure of a rock (or human DNA/cells). Maybe the idea is to change sulfides into oxides so you can crush and not leach, I have no idea I'm just guessing. Not saying it would work either way.


Outside the atomic level ionizing radiation can also lead to molecular alterations too, so maybe that's what he was getting at, dunno...making materials brittle and such or encouraging some kind of reaction like oxidation maybe?


But, also like Chris and brogansown said, gamma rays travel through pretty much anything too, which is why you need so much concrete encasing nuclear reactors. But that doesn't mean it doesn't interact with matter. The author or article may be bogus, but I'm just pointing out that gamma radiation can affect material properties or even potentially change the material into something else entirely.


*Actually, I think I'm wrong about the atomic transmutation part. Not possible without some kind of particle interaction. I was thinking about how transmutation happens in cyclotrons. But the gamma rays can still affect things molecularly, and rocks are assemblages of molecules. Just not sure if it has anything to do with freeing up gold or not without reading what the dude is talking about.

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