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My Frankenshaft For The Seahunter

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Snagged an upper shaft from Gerry, picked up a carbon lower shaft for the Nokta Makro machines and put the rest of my Seahunter parts on it.

Little lighter, no wobble and nice comfy grip. Balance is just slightly nose heavy which should be perfect in the water as the larger coil would like to rise.


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Had to go dig up a picture of mine ? Have not seen it in a year.

It’s a hefty beast and built like a tank. Somehow I don’t worry the coil will snap off the shaft or that I’ll scratch the screen like on my Equinox...

I’ve only tried mine with the box mounted on top and hip mounted. It was heavy and not very balanced.  Two cables hanging off of me not great. 

I’ll try it mounted under this year. It should not be too bad with the smaller stock coil. 


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Winter here the aluminum gets a bit cold even with gloves, wanted a foam grip like couple my other machines. Also got annoyed with the wobble on land. In the water it didn't bother me as much. for a while I was running with the hip mount but that wasn't so good with waders on and pouch.

You might like having that hefty box under the arm, balances out really well. If you do any beach combing the larger coil covers more ground and more depth. Land use I usually use the MS-2 headphones with volume adjust. Helps when the wind kicks up as you can make them louder.

How does that F-Pulse work with the SH? Does it interfere? Been using my Nokta pulse with it with no problems.

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It drove it nuts now that you mention it!  I would just shut off the detector if I had to use the pinpointer which was often since it will find tiny stuff. But was not too much of a big deal.  I don’t think shifting frequencies on the pinpointer helped either.  

I did have to buy headphones shortly after I got it as the cord on the originals apparently deteriorated over time  and practically disintegrated first time it got a good stretch.  I went with another set of waterproof for it and not too bad. I see you have an AT Pro so you probably already had the MS2s with the right connector. I have a pair of them to use with an ACE I have but they are the 1/4” jack. I may get an AT Pro someday to try out if I find a good used deal. 

The greater coverage would be nice but the stock has some pretty good depth. Unfortunately I only visit family in FL a couple times a year so only have limited time on the beach and probably not worth getting the bigger coil unless I come across a killer deal.  You seem to use yours a lot so the mods make sense!

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That type of S-stem with the sea hunter is going to be a pain in.....its going to feel a lot of pressure on the wrist,i have tried this settings.The best settings i have tried and use right now is the straight shaft by plugger.It balances the detector awesome.You don't feel any weight at all with the big coil.speaking of big coil on sea hunter,this one i have right now is my third coil,the others i broke the coil ears because when i hunted the deep water i had to hang on something to help me dig and it was the detector,that force a pressure on the coil ears which snapped.

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