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Nox Battery Problem Solved!

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Some folk believe that their prayers are rewarded, others claim that if you ask the Universe for anything it’ll respond.. But when you need a new battery for your Foxy Noxy, these methods don't work anywhere near as good as keeping an eye out on Ebay..

Since that awful day last month when the battery on my Nox 800 stopped charging I’ve considered many options, including an external power-pack (expensive), soldering the plug-in cable to other lithium batteries (deadly), and to keep on swapping with the battery from my Nox 600 (pain in ass)..

This afternoon I searched on Ebay and scored two new Equinox batteries for just $50 (plus $10 postage).. That’s a new battery for Foxy Noxy and a spare for the unlikely event I ever need another one! Gotta love them win/win days..


Screenshot 2021-06-10 1.29.48 PM.png

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Great find, I guess I need to look at eBay again for some items that I need.

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Glad you found some.  See this post - in the USA at least no need to go combing through eBay in hopes of finding one.  Just call ML support and they should be able to point you to the service center who will hook you up with a battery or you can contact your dealer.  If outside the warranty period, the cost is $30 US and the service center will install it for you, if needed (though I suspect you may have to pay shipping if you send your detector in - I have asked the question) or you can opt to DIY.

Eric - dunno if you attempted to contact ML support in Aus but it was something I suggested way back when you first posted about your issue.  I know you bought the units second hand but that doesn't typically invalidate the 3-year warranty and as you can see, at least ML-USA provides a way to get your batteries even outside the warranty period.

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8 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

dunno if you attempted to contact ML support in Aus

G'day Chase, thanks for your advice..  I contacted our local ML dealer on the mainland who didn't sell Equinox batteries separately nor did he know anyone who did.. The only place I could find them was online from people based in the US or the UK, that's why I was so surprised to see these two turn up here in Australia (just down the road).. I also thought that once you remove the battery yourself or crack the seals the unit is no longer under warranty.. none of my second-hand detectors came with warranty papers (I bought them online), which also makes it awkward when dealing with ML or their dealers..    

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Those Ebay batteries look like they were two wire, the battery that comes out of the Equinnox has an extra yellow wire, not sure what for?  Temperature maybe to stop you charging when overheated?


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3 minutes ago, phrunt said:

Those Ebay batteries look like they were two wire

Thanks Phrunt, you're right! I didn't look too closely at the wires, just made sure the numbers on the side of the battery were the same.. could they be knockoffs? 

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I doubt it, I'd just think they're missing that feature. Once you've got the old one out just pull it apart and see what that 3rd wire is doing, it maybe just attached to a temperature sensor that you can move across to the other battery.  The detector would likely work fine without it anyway you'd just have to be careful yourself not to charge it if it's too hot like in a car on a hot day as charging the batteries in too high heat can damage them.

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1 hour ago, Erik Oostra said:

G'day Chase, thanks for your advice..  I contacted our local ML dealer on the mainland who didn't sell Equinox batteries separately nor did he know anyone who did.. The only place I could find them was online from people based in the US or the UK, that's why I was so surprised to see these two turn up here in Australia (just down the road).. I also thought that once you remove the battery yourself or crack the seals the unit is no longer under warranty.. none of my second-hand detectors came with warranty papers (I bought them online), which also makes it awkward when dealing with ML or their dealers..    

Erik that is why I said contact ML support directly.  It costs nothing to simply ask them the question even if your gear is out of warranty.  The worst that could happen is they say no - no harm, no foul.  On the other hand they could say yes, send it in on our dime or we’ll send you the (right) part and then you wouldn’t be sitting here wondering what that yellow wire is all about.  SMH

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3 hours ago, phrunt said:

Those Ebay batteries look like they were two wire


2 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

then you wouldn’t be sitting here wondering what that yellow wire is all about.  SMH

G'day Phrunt and Chase, your responses to my post have really got me thinking (and worried).. but a close up of the Ebay batteries clearly show the yellow wire! another problem solved.. you can stop shaking your head now Chase ?..

Screenshot 2021-06-11 8.00.35 AM.png

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You are right, it is there, just hidden ?  Great news.

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