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Silver Umax On It's Way

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mh, I think most detectors think a $1000 machine will do it all. But that's just not the case. I have found myself starting to think that for myself at times. I some how forgot or didn't want to believe that a good old fashioned analog Tesoro detector could pull silver out of a lot of iron trash. Since I started running my Compadre again I have pulled 3 barber dimes and a barber 1/2 dollar in places where the 800 failed to find them. Not bashing the 800 I love it, ButI find Tesoro detectors wonderfully simplistic. Their disc. is spot on. People were saying only if Tesoro would have improved their design they would still be around. I think if people realized how good the design was they would still be around. Think of it this way, When was the last time you lost a call on a land line vs a cell phone. Sometimes the simple less complicated way works  out.  BEEEEP BEEEEP love that sound all day long, Nothing fancy Nothing complicated, Just another silver coin HaHa.

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On 8/12/2021 at 8:03 PM, dogodog said:

I just purchased a NIB Silver umax today. I started to use my Compadre about 3 weeks ago to cover some hunted out HaHa ground that I've been pounding with the 800. I've become aware that the 800 has a little problem masking out silver targets in areas with a lot of nails. I know some of you will tell me I'm using the wrong settings ect, ect. But after trying all the so called great settings from other users I still came up short and feeling like I missed some good targets. So for shits and giggles I pulled out the lowly 5 3/4'' Compadre and hit a few spots. Well now I saw a dramatic silver increase in some of my nail infested areas. There's a lot to be said for setting your Disc near max and just hunting the BEEP = Silver. A light bulb went off and I almost forgot how great Tesoro machines were at discrimination. So a few days ago I got the bug to find a Silver umax, for better depth. Lucky for me a member gave me a tip on a new one. As soon as I get it I will give it a good run. I think sometimes old school detectors will give the new ones a run for the money. I hope all tesoro fans take their machines for a walk once in a while, You might just have a good time.

use a Tesoro "Mojave" w/7" thin concentric coil for hunting 'curb strips" sometimes for fun will set it for 
'coins" in disc. like you, detector is a ton of fun, and "loves" silver! I get down around 7 or 8" with great audio modulation on deeper hits even in full disc. absolute "joy" to use.


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10 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

You and dog must have stock in Tesoro.  Oh, wait,....

I missed a used 5.75" concentric on Ebay a couple weeks ago (someone took the Buy-it-now price on an auction lot).  There used to be quite a few out there, it seemed, but the source has dried up.  SeriousDetecting doesn't have them anymore.  I do have the 8"x9" conc.  Maybe I need to give that another chance.

the 6" and 7" concentrics are the best coils for tesoro. outrageous in nail beds, and iron.
am amazed the 5.75" can be found at all period.




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this is spot on. if you take the time to "learn" the various "audio nuances", then the tesoro with a "small coil"
will reward you. the beauty of an analog tesoro is that you can run the disc. in max, and still get deep enough in "junked out"
parks to "pop" silver that's been missed by other high priced detectors.the "real" accomplishment though,is learning the "audio" on the various items in the ground. the tesoro "excels" in audio "modulation" on deeper hits.this gives additional information on the item detected, usually a deeper ''coin."







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Nuances are pretty easy to learn. Usually aluminum pieces like square tabs, can slaw have a pop to the sound as you pas to coil over. You hear the pop on both ends of the tone vs a piece of gold that has a softer roll.

The Tejon that I know really well is actually soft on silver as well so dimes are really soft, quarters bit louder.

Keep in mind as targets are deeper it gets tricky. Deep cans can be deceiving and you need to listen for the duration of the signal to judge size.

When deep hunting I get tripped up on foil and hot rocks. Other trash I get tripped up on are deep squashed aluminum screw caps. Trash that is a must dig are ring pulls especially when they are deep as they can easily be rings.

I jump between all my machines and really like the challenge of the old analog. If you get one don't go crazy and start hitting the trashiest spot in town or you will go crazy. Takes some dedication to learn.

Concentric coils on them is key in high iron contamination but majority of your hunting can be done with dd coils.

Modern analog machines are made by Deeptech. USA reseller is Backwoods Metal detectors down in TN. Rich Robinson down there is a great guy to do business with. Deeptech has the Vista X which is similar to the Tejon as well a unique machine called the Warrior that has both gain and sensitivity control. Having independent control  on gain and sensitivity can give you the ability to hunt deep and trim out the chatter or hunt shallow and not sacrifice sensitivity to small jewelry. Not sure if Deeptech makes any concentric coils so that can be a bummer.

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I don't know if your thread meant silver umax or silver sabre umax. I have had both but found these with the silver sabre umax. 

Here is a pic of one of my favorite finds found with the silver sabre umax. I bought a used one off ebay several years ago and it had the white 6 inch concentric coil. I was just trying it out here at home and found these about 10 feet apart. I was shocked as I discovered a very small CW camp here at home. 

Anyways I took this right after I dug them out. This was several years ago. I was a die hard Tesoro user for a long time. I used to drool at their ad in the detector magazines wanting one when I was younger. It was so small compared to everything else.

Anyways when I got older I bought just about all of the ones and tried them out I ever wanted. 

But didn't hang on to any later on.  It was a sad day when they shut down. 

US 1859 Style bit bosses https://imgur.com/gallery/QFCdCFW

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18 hours ago, kac said:

Trash that is a must dig are ring pulls especially when they are deep as they can easily be rings.

DoD recommended when cherry picking silver, to set the discrimination high (he did say above nickels).  What about discriminating out small aluminum when hunting in dense aluminum trash such as around picnic tables where there are oodles of pulltabs (old style and new style)?  Does this kind of trashy area give the Tesoro+concentric an advantage over a ML Eqx 800 or similar modern digital detector?  (I'm willing to miss the jewelry -- my typical old coin detecting concession.)

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