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Detecting Metal In Bodies

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Recent thread about metal in Penguin, reminds me of a few years back. Local Stock Squad (Cattle Police) were experiencing a rash of horses and cattle being shot. For Court evidence they required the bullets and spent cartridges, so they would grab me and off I`d go with them. To cut a long series of stories short, that went on for a few years until the young "Rambos" were caught. One particular beast, couldn`t find any cartridges but there was a big signal in the cow, on cutting open we found remains of a lead acid battery in the stomach. Cattle station owner found that the beast must have for, whatever reason, decided to eat through the pile of discarded vehicle batteries behind shed.

Perhaps of further interest, I found in detecting over stock bodies the VLFs were much better then the PIs, the Pi with 18" coil was tops for finding the spent cartridges but couldn`t ground handle the "chemistry" of the bodies. Not having heard from the Stock Squad for many years, I assume they have purchased detectors for this purpose.

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I always carry out the barbed wire I find detecting hayfields.  Farmers lose animals regularly due to ingestion of the stuff.



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Considering how many less than robust cattle I've seen out bush chewing black PVC pipe meant for the wells and their water I find that such things are pretty darn trivial.  Animals will eat anything and batteries, not surprising.  Penguin's eating hairpins and what not :)P  well kinda like finding nuggets where there should not be one.... emu's and crows will do the same job. *greedy b*strds*

Why do they do it? well it looks good or it tastes good.  No doubt about it.  Plenty of studies on the subject and in point of fact many manufactures have changed their formula for plastics in particular because of the fact. In many cases its just like fishing... jig a bit of plastic, grass or what not and see the animal, fish, hit.

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