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Gold Detecting Around Sumpter Oregon, What To Bring?

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I live near the East coast and never done any Beeping in Oregon.  I am set up to go there in July. I don't know the terrain, the weather there in July or much of any thing else about the area. I have a GPX 5000 with the commander DD and mono coils that come with the detector and hopefully a 16" round mono soon on it's way.  

Are there snakes to look out for, Ticks, Ants, Big Foot?  What coils would be recommended for the 5K to use there?

I wonder if there is lots of Iron to the point where a VLF machine would be a good choice?  I live only 150 miles from the east coast so have been thinking about a VLF Machine suitable for the beach and for use in nugget hunting, maybe something like the Garrett AT Pro or ATGold?  I know there are better machines but trying to find something in what is left of my smallish budget.

I'm not a total newbie as I've been to Rye patch a couple times and Alaska as well and used coin detectors in my past with some success but presently the only real detector I have now is the 5K.  

Any advice would be appreciated.  



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As to what to look out for every thing you mentioned,all your coils will be fine maybe a small one for thick brush areas would be a good option.

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1 hour ago, beatup said:

As to what to look out for every thing you mentioned,all your coils will be fine maybe a small one for thick brush areas would be a good option.

Thanks Beatup.   I hope to get a small coil as well before heading there.  So Everything I mentioned?  Does that include Bigfoot?:huh:

I hope the Permethrin we use here in NC will also work out there for the Ticks.  Best thing I ever found to keep them off me, actually the only thing I found that really keeps them off.  


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Wont worry about big foot as beatup says the critter's friendly.  Skeeters and Ticks.  What your using will be fine Keep your pants tucked in your boots.  Good boots and a good cover for yourself and you detector are more the thought as its wet. Oh and if you see any happy plants, stay out of that patch.

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I was born and raised in Oregon level there almost 50 years. Hunted near that area for 20 years. Snakes are there, you are not likely to see one. I have never come across a  venomous  one in that area. Ticks, I wouldn't worry about them. Only ones I saw were on the deer and elk I killed. Ants, pretty much harmless. Don't lay down on their nest and you'll be fine. Bigfoot, it all depends on how much you believe.... if you want to see him bad enough you will.

As far as what type of detector to use I'm afraid I can't help you a bunch there. I am too new to offer good advice. I have used an MXT there once near an old miners cabin. Found lots of trash as you would expect but no treasures.

Hope this helps.


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Hey Terry, I'm not sure what part of oregon that you are headed to. But there is good gold there. eastern oregon was responsible for 2/3 of oregons gold production. but S.W. Oregon has some great pocket gold deposits. There is animals , bugs, snakes etc everywhere in oregon.  So i'd just be prepared for anything.  Though you probably wont have any troubles. If your coming from the east coast way out here. I would probably get some good research done before hand. it would help your odds. unless you have someone who knows where to go. Hope you have some luck. 

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Thanks DD, Nevada and Calgold.  

What's the Terrain like around Sumpter?  Flat, hilly or OMG hilly?  I've been reading all of Steve's detector reviews.  I also saw the poll someone took maybe Steve, not sure as I've read so much lately.  The one where he asks folks if they found any nuggets last year and the detector they used.  Thought that was interesting since I'm in the market for a VLF machine.  Interesting too as nobody responding had used a Garrett which is what I was maybe thinking of buying.  When hunting in or around water it would be a great advantage to have not just a waterproof coil but a machine that is also waterproof (hear that Nokta?).  One slip and dunk in the water could be it's last especially in salt water.  That salt is wicked.  

Ok Nokta, your next mission if you choose to accept it, is to build a multi-Freq machine (12, 15 and 60 Mhz) that is waterproof with great discrimination.  


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I was through that area about 3 years ago. Didn't get a chance to detect.            But be sure to tour the bucket line dredge in Sumpter. It's amazing to see in person,  the size of the buckets, frame work, timbers, spud, etc...




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Also if you go through Baker Oregon stop in at the bank downtown and check out all the gold and big nuggets on display,i can,t remember the banks name but the locals will know and give directions.Maybe someone here will know the banks name.

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