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CTX For Gold Rings


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Here you go phrunt. You will dig gold and silver and the upper right corner will cut out any iron wrap around. Let me know how you do. It won’t take long to see where the gold lays. Depending on depth and ring position you should dig all (11) (12) and (13) signals.


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Most women’s gold rings will read 12-03 to 12-13 with sweet spot being in the middle of that. larger men’s rings will read in zinc penny ranges 12-18 up to the 12-20’s. Ctx is not great for gold chains unless really large or there is a pendent attacked. I’m glad your liking your ctx, those that bash it never really learned how to use it or were using it in a way the detector was not intended to be used. It is one of the best all around detectors made imho only lacking in speed and high iron usability. You can use the ctx in high iron sites but need the small coil...it has the un canny ability to just zero in on a target if you just slow down. 


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Thanks guys, this is the information I needed.  Now to get the coil to the soil...

I found the defaults to be terrible, high trash and recovery fast are killers for depth for me.  Low Trash and Ferrous Coin seem much better, and Recovery Deep is good.   I've not bothered using any form of ground balance, totally unnecessary and always use manual, Auto seems to be a depth killer too for no real reason it runs on around 14 when I can run whatever I like, EMI is what dictates my sensitivity, not the soil conditions and auto seems to be based off soil conditions and it gets them very wrong for me, it doesn't seem to be based on EMI at all.  Correct me if I'm wrong, this is just how it seems.

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Ok, I tried out the pattern, unfortunately using that much disc seems to kill depth too much.  I was hitting on very deep coin size targets if I went to pattern 2 with minimal disc, pattern 1 with the high disc and the deep targets were very difficult to detect, if there at all.   It's fine for 9" or shallower targets hitting them just fine with the big disc, but coins around here can often be deeper than that.

Back to the drawing board, looks like I might need to run the old girl wide open or with less disc.   I've now worked out I wasn't even getting maximum depth with my previous silver coins disc setting I was using compared to having it wide open, I was lucky to have done so well with it seeing I was missing the deepest targets by using it.   Probably why I commented I was getting a lot of the coins on edge I think I missed with the Nox but nothing as deep as the CTX is capable of, my deepest test target I can't lift my Nox off the ground at all or I lose it, with the CTX and minimal disc I can lift it a fair few inches off the ground and still get it with accurate ID.

It appears to hit silver targets with more depth in high disc than it does gold targets.  I need to use minimal disc to get the best depth on gold.

I've settled on this program, the one I did previously with too much discrimination was killing depth.



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I stumbled across this which is the exact information I've been looking for.


Over 90 gold ring jewellery numbers.

Indeed the 12 row is the one you should get excited about.  I think from now on I'll dig anything in the 12's, possibly the 11's too. 

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Run it without the disk screen on for deep targets...an easy push of the button toggles back and forth into and out of disk. I run it almost exclusively in ferrous coin...recovery deep on ...recovery fast off. Auto gb and auto sens on...in my area it seems to run better in auto sens due to the mineralization. the machine will false too much if I crank the sens up in manual in most of the places I hunt. My main missions with the ctx is park hunting around lots of trash looking for gold rings. The silver comes easy with the ctx 3030 the gold you have to sniff out. I took mine for a spin Sunday for a nice enjoyable park hunt . The ctx gives lots of useful info and learning how to use it appears to be confusing for some users. You will still dig lots of aluminum looking for gold rings but hey if it were easy then everyone would be doing it ?


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The video is gone but he tells what he is using. This program I have on my machine and use it mostly for relic hunting but it works well in most environments...he uses very little disk...one of my favorite saved programs. 



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On 2/27/2022 at 2:18 PM, phrunt said:

I stumbled across this which is the exact information I've been looking for.


Over 90 gold ring jewellery numbers.

Indeed the 12 row is the one you should get excited about.  I think from now on I'll dig anything in the 12's, possibly the 11's too. 

Do not ignore 11 & 13 targets. I have dug many gold rings on edge or deep with these numbers. Gold is what I do.


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Thanks, I'm still learning the detector, a few odd things I'm finding is using Low Trash or High Trash makes the target ID numbers change, they go up, so a coin that is usually 12/36 in an air test can go up to 16/41 in Low Trash or High Trash.  No idea why that is so I've decided to stick with Ferrous Coin as it still provides me with the depth I want but has the correct air test ID's on deep coins.

The depth with too much disc is dramatically reduced, the less the better so the disc seems best used if in heavy trash to try find some stuff without going crazy from the junk, so not really a situation I care about so I'm not using much disc at all now.  Depth is the most important thing for me and it's got that, on targets I have to scrub my Nox coil to the ground to get the target I can lift my CTX coil a couple of inches off the ground and still get it and even ID it.  The air gap really affects the Nox which is bad as I have to detect longer grass sometimes which just pushing down the grass to detect causes an air gap of grass.  The CTX works better in this scenario on deeper targets.

I'm enjoying learning the CTX, it all seems simple enough.

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