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44 minutes ago, Goldseeker5000 said:

Valens, The tent doesn't require tie downs up higher. It has a 10' tall center pole. It can handle 55mph winds. I know this for a fact. I have heard it can handle 65-70. I don't want to find out My stove pipe seemed like it was close to toppling over from the wind. That would have been bad as I had a fire going at the time. Got tie wire to anchor it down as well.


Mn90403, the guy was hiding his gun to his side while chambering a round, I could see it, barely, then pointed it back behind his truck for me to see I guess, then he stood by his passenger door looking nervous and kept turning around in circles pretending he didn't see me. I had stopped detecting and just stood there starring at him. I wasn't going to keep detecting with him standing roughly 50 yards from me, in the open. Allen from Allen's Prospecting channel said he know who that is and that he is shady and a little nuts. He said he has pulled that with people before. 


Not good, Reese. Glad you were staying safe. A buddy of mine had a situation with a person like that, it was not good.  Definitely a lot worse things to worry about than poisonous snakes and furry  animals with teeth and claws out there!  Nice finds, thanks for sharing your adventures!

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1/2 oz is a pretty good score if you are staying in Gold Basin and Lost Basin these days. 

There are some places you can pull gold out with each new machine, but you kinda have to know where they are because the leads are all long gone and it's now just random chance to stumble on them. Even 10 years ago that was the case. Even the trash is largely gone from the old placer camp areas nowadays, so it's hard to find some of those more subtle ones.

Man, there are some unsavory characters out there these days though. It used to be almost empty from Dec-Feb other than on the less windy weekends and occasional outings. Now murders, burglaries, fights, meth, squatters, bleh.

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Nice report Reese. It was good meeting you down in Gold Basin. Hope to see you again. Enjoyed reading your book too.

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Got one nugget today and I paid a painful price for it. Pulled dirt out and off of the bedrock where the nugget was resting and pulled the dirt back with my hands right into prickly pear. Damn that hurt. Went in around a quarter inch and a little piece broke off inside my finger. Then after that I moved my pick to my left side and put the same hand in another prickly pear to my left side. I really hate prickly pear. Yesterday one went right through my knee pads and got me.



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Watched two people share a cholla ball between each other like a game of toss one time- the gal was yelling and her friend pulled it off with two sticks and flung it onto his arm. She pulled it off and got it back!  Hope those spines work out, Ive had to throw out light hikers that had a bunch through the soles.

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They were a big problem in Australia.

A good read.


I must admit they are delicious and one of my best liked exotic fruit 

Prickly pear, cactus pear, tuna fruit, opuntia, nopal. They come mainly in two different colors, purple and green. Cactus fruit or prickly pear is very nutritious, it is high in fiber, vitamin c, antioxidants, and other healthy vitamins and minerals.

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