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First 5 Times Out With D2


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Wow is that your first Trime? Great hunt(s)!

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1 hour ago, F350Platinum said:

Wow is that your first Trime? Great hunt(s)!

2nd... got the first with the D1  thanks

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I haven't played with Sensitive yet, been sticking mostly with Pitch modes. Funny the first thing I did was get rid of the Notch as well. But I put it back as that is exactly where the pesky graphite rocks were hitting. I wasn't a fan of Full Tones on the D1, so I won't be trying it soon on the D2. You are making some nice finds!

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Those are some great finds!   I’ve been using both sensitive and sensitive ft modes and like the way they work in polluted areas.  The only changes I make are changing program 2 to full tones also.  Program 3 with no disc is noisy, but seems to lock on to good targets.  When all those tones get to be too much I’ll just switch to program 2.  I also vary the reactivity on both programs depending on how polluted the area is that I’m detecting. 

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9 hours ago, martygene said:

At first and because I had the D1 for years I made a custom program because well... I , you know, I can make a program that works better than the ones that the programmers can make. I did have some success with it. How could I not, really. They did make it idiot proof didn't they? Anyway, I went out the last couple of days to 2 farm fields that me and my buddies have hit many many times. Since there is a ton of junk iron I started with the 2 Sensitive Programs. Sens FT at first. It has -6.4 ( the manual stated the Disc is 6.8 but it's not)  Disc so I can hear EVERYTHING. Talk about sparky. Sounded like overloaded high voltage. I used it for about an hour and I like how fast it is and how there aren't a lot of loud high squeaks when it goes past iron. I have very bad hearing and tinnitus so I struggle  to hear a lot of the tones. I then tried Sens 3 tones and adjusted the tones to where I could hear them best. That was much quieter. Having the Disc at 6.8 did give me those high squeaks coming off of iron though so I had to keep checking to see if it was a good squeak or a bad squeak. Sens also has a small notch that i got rid of. I just don't feel confident with the Sens program. I keep feeling like it's by passing stuff by. Needless to say that even tho I was new to the programs and kept messing with them, they sure do work well...

If any of you use either the Sens or Sens FT let me know how you're doing with them and any tweaks you did. Much more to play with and I still haven't touched General yet. 







I basically only use the sense programs so far I've done well! I to made a 3 tone with high tone from 76 up,reactivity 2-3 depending,disc 6.8-7,sensitivity 90-97,silencer 3"btoken tones are indeed shite", no notch,pwm,iron volume 1, audio response +1,

        Then a ft set up same disc up to 7ish the rest besides ft same also varies on my button smashing but I'm not bad for that I'm trying to dig not poke buttons(of machines anyway). I reckon about 9 hours in thick iron,bushes,nasty dirt I've dug 15ish bullets from cw +7,8modern and 20-30 mushroom tip nails/chunky headed iron(all bs signals I wiggle into belief knowing better!) Not one bullet or desired non ferrous was anything less than banging 2 way hits! 

    Damn nice finds you have there! Awesome!

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13 hours ago, NCtoad said:

Those are some great finds!   I’ve been using both sensitive and sensitive ft modes and like the way they work in polluted areas.  The only changes I make are changing program 2 to full tones also.  Program 3 with no disc is noisy, but seems to lock on to good targets.  When all those tones get to be too much I’ll just switch to program 2.  I also vary the reactivity on both programs depending on how polluted the area is that I’m detecting. 

seems like we are on the same track. keep in touch

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24 minutes ago, martygene said:

seems like we are on the same track. keep in touch

Seems to me reactivity of 2 is still very fast,probably fast enough in most cases!? I could be discounting or not really knowing how much faster 4 is than 2 idk. I just know I've did many hours of separation testing and seems that if in most cases 2 doesnt hit 4 wont hit either or if it does on the outlier instance it's not a like wow that's so much better case! ? have yall noticed or felt like this?

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