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Buzzing Sound Or The Buzzing  ( Wheezing ) GPX 4500

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Warm greetings to all members

Can you help me what is the cause of the buzzing sound

or the buzzing  OR wheezing?

  The continuous overtime is similar to the smuggling of electricity in
Minelab   Detector This resulted in distortion

Or the lack of clarity of the signal threshold

Target signals are not strong Tried another battery and the headphone connections are fine

and the noise is still going on

I would like to thank everyone in this wonderful forum, which has become a source of valuable

information and we do not dispense with your advice and experiences

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6 hours ago, rasheede11 said:

or the buzzing  OR wheezing?

Any chance you could record it/video it and put it up on the forum.  Might be easier to diagnose with a bit of audio  ?

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If you are using the big Minelab battery system is sounds like the amp has gone bad in it. I had one that was doing the same thing. Steel Phase used to make a repair kit for that issue. But I think they stopped making it.

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Various internal ribbon cables can fail and leave odd audio symptoms. I had my 4500 fail this way and got Mick at Detectronics to repair it. The audio became very faint with a hissing crackle. The replaced ribbon cable fixed it.

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1 hour ago, rasheede11 said:

Thank you for this information. If it is not useful to me, it may help others. I appreciate your advice
But all cables and connections have been changed and made sure that they are intact
Thank you again

These cables are INTERNAL as I said....not visible unless you open up the control box. Even then, its always not obvious that there is a breakage in the ribbon cable. A technician will need to inspect and test.

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Two possible things that cause your problem, one as already pointed out is the amp in the battery, it is repairable, and Steephase used to sell kits for it, maybe Phasetech still has access to them if you contact him, he's on this forum, or you could find them at your local electronics component store if you pop yours open and note the exact parts you need. 

The parts are:

2 x Schottky Diodes

2 x Analogue Switches

1 x Op Amp IC

Their locations are marked in red in this photo.


The other thing that has been also pointed out is the ribbon cable which is a common failure component, I've had this fail on mine and I replaced it.


It's not all that difficult to replace, first before replacing it I would check the ribbon connection and clean it, this appears to be a solution for some that it just doesn't have good contact over time.  Minelab won't sell the part and insist you pay their service agents to fix it but if you hunt around on various auction sites you can find alternative sources for it.  If you can see an obvious break in the wire inside the ribbon you can just do a bridging wire to fix it.

As you've ruled out the battery it is likely the ribbon cable, I'll leave the info about the battery amp on this thread so if others strike the problem it may help them.

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