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New Notch Feature In V0.71?

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46 minutes ago, Carolina said:

Are you near Perugia by chance?

Perugia is about 100km from here, it’s in Umbria region. I’m in Tuscany. But it’s not far from here!

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On 5/6/2022 at 3:38 PM, Carolina said:

I haven’t seen any video on V0.71. I also have seen no reports. One thing I noticed, when it first was available it gave you an opportunity to go back to V0.6. I did my friends the other day and it no longer offered going back to V 0.6. 

Strange.  I just updated to 0.71 on another machine today and I still had the option to revert to 0.6.

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1 hour ago, Chase Goldman said:

Strange.  I just updated to 0.71 on another machine today and I still had the option to revert to 0.6.

Well dang. I will pull up the update again tomorrow. My friend saw the screen same as me. Strange. Thanks for the heads up.

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Well this is what I see now.


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On 5/5/2022 at 6:56 PM, CPT_GhostLight said:

Thanks, guys! I remember the bit in the video about 00-00 being the catch-all bin for an unknown target. So you are saying that OFF lets the unknowns through and 00-00 notches them out, correct?


Unknown targets usually don't display any ID's, targets with 00 ID stand for all ground targets like deep target that have their ID pull down by the mineralization but also hot rocks, ferrites, potteries and some kinds of very thin and damaged iron too. So if you enable the 00-00 notch window, in reality, you notch all the ground part of ID's, in other words, you notch the -6.4 to 0 window.

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On 5/9/2022 at 10:47 PM, slyworld said:

‎I bersagli sconosciuti di solito non mostrano alcun ID, i bersagli con ID 00 stanno per tutti i bersagli terrestri come bersagli profondi che hanno il loro ID tirato giù dalla mineralizzazione, ma anche rocce calde, ferriti, ceramiche e alcuni tipi di ferro molto sottile e danneggiato. Quindi, se abiliti la finestra della tacca 00-00, in realtà, intagli tutta la parte di terra degli ID, in altre parole, intagli la finestra da -6,4 a 0.‎

but if you use the notch on 00, do you exclude target or exclude only the id of the ground?
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18 hours ago, raziel900 said:
but if you use the notch on 00, do you exclude target or exclude only the id of the ground?

As sly says, 00 typically is displayed for ground or deep, weak targets pulled down to ground ID in high mineralization or other ground anomalies such as concentrated mineralization patches, ferrites and other hot rocks. 

If reading 00, you COULD have a weak, down-averaged deep target or one of these ground anomalies.  Chances are high that it's a ground anomaly. 

Since the detector can't differentiate a ground anomaly from a legit target, if you notch 00 then yes, you will exclude the audio of a 00 target (you will still see 00 displayed as notch only suppresses audio) and there is a small chance you could pass over a deep legit target.  But unless you plan on digging every 00 target, you wouldn't know for sure. 

Based on the number of 00 hits that I typically encounter in the Relic program, especially in mineralized ground, I couldn't possibly dig them all and would simply be digging any given 00 at random.  Every 00 in Relic basically behaves the same way and as there really is no other way to interrogate a 00 target hit to differentiate one 00 from another 00 (most every 00 in Relic is silent in a "discrimination" program such as Deep HC (i.e., any program other than Goldfield or Relic)) I'd simply rather just notch 00 out and be done with it.  Thus giving my ears a break. 

I also typically run with (Iron Audo Reject (IAR) at 5 in Relic.  IAR does not silence 00 or ferrous IDs above 00. so that is why 00 notch is great.  With IAR engaged, I still get "iron" volume for targets that ID above 0 and less than about 10.  Oddly, even with IAR, 00 hits still sound off with non-ferrous pitch audio in Relic (and also presumably also in Gold Field).  Why IAR doesn't make 00 audio sound off as iron audio like the other ferrous IDs ABOVE 00 is weird, but 00 notch takes care of it so I don't really care and can ignore that quirk.


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6 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

‎Come dice furbo, 00 in genere viene visualizzato per bersagli deboli o terrestri o profondi tirati verso il basso fino all'ID del suolo in alta mineralizzazione o altre anomalie del terreno come macchie di mineralizzazione concentrate, ferriti e altre rocce calde. ‎

‎Se leggi 00, POTRESTI avere un bersaglio profondo debole e in media inferiore o una di queste anomalie del terreno. Le probabilità sono alte che si tratti di un'anomalia del terreno. ‎

‎Poiché il rilevatore non è in grado di differenziare un'anomalia di terra da un bersaglio legittimo, se si intaglia 00, allora sì, si escluderà l'audio di un bersaglio 00 (si vedrà ancora 00 visualizzato come tacca sopprime solo l'audio) e c'è una piccola possibilità che si possa passare sopra un bersaglio legittimo profondo. Ma a meno che tu non abbia intenzione di scavare ogni bersaglio 00, non lo sapresti con certezza‎

‎Sulla base del numero di colpi 00 che di solito incontro nel programma Relic, specialmente nel terreno mineralizzato, non potrei assolutamente scavarli tutti e semplicemente scavare un dato 00 a caso. Ogni 00 in Relic si comporta fondamentalmente allo stesso modo e poiché non c'è davvero altro modo per interrogare un bersaglio 00 per differenziare uno 00 da un altro 00 (la maggior parte ogni 00 in Relic è silenziosa in un programma di "discriminazione" come Deep HC (cioè qualsiasi programma diverso da Goldfield o Relic)) Preferirei semplicemente tagliare 00 e finirlo. Dando così una pausa alle mie orecchie. ‎

‎Di solito corro anche con (Iron Audo Reject (IAR) a 5 in Relic. IAR non silenzia 00 o ID ferrosi superiori a 00. ecco perché la tacca 00 è fantastica. Con IAR impegnato, ottengo ancora un volume "di ferro" per gli obiettivi che identificano sopra 0 e meno di circa 10. Stranamente, anche con IAR, 00 hit suonano ancora con audio non ferroso in Relic (e presumibilmente anche in Gold Field). Perché IAR non fa suonare l'audio 00 come audio di ferro come gli altri ID ferrosi SOPRA 00 è strano, ma la tacca 00 se ne occupa quindi non mi interessa davvero e posso ignorare quella stranezza. ‎

‎ HTH ·‎

perfect all clear
but at this point I think that using the notch 00 you have a program speaking of performance similar to the deep hc
the deep targets that could escape deep hc are excluded from the notch 00 on the goldfield and relic programs or even using the notch 00 these two programs are still deeper than deep hc?
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9 minutes ago, raziel900 said:
perfect all clear ... but at this point I think that using the notch 00 you have a program speaking of performance similar to the deep hc ... the deep targets that could escape deep hc are excluded from the notch 00 on the goldfield and relic programs. . or even using the notch 00 these two programs are still deeper than deep hc?

I think that Relic is generally deeper than Deep HC except on the deepest high conductors where Deep HC has the edge due to it's lower top end frequency vs. Relic (14 vs. 24 khz).  Relic and Deep HC are generally deeper than Gold Field except for small mid-cobductive targets.  Mono frequency at 45khz has the best micro target sensitivity of any D2 program but the max detection depth is less than 2 inches on pinhead-sized targets.

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3 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

‎Penso che Relic sia generalmente più profondo di Deep HC tranne che sui conduttori alti più profondi in cui Deep HC ha il vantaggio a causa della sua frequenza di fascia alta inferiore rispetto a Relic (14 vs 24 khz). Relic e Deep HC sono generalmente più profondi di Gold Field ad eccezione di piccoli bersagli medio-cobduttivi. La frequenza mono a 45 khz ha la migliore sensibilità del micro bersaglio di qualsiasi programma D2, ma la profondità massima di rilevamento è inferiore a 2 pollici su bersagli delle dimensioni di una capocchia di spillo.‎

relic and goldfield are all metal programs without filters in theory they should be deeper than any other deus 2 stock program ... on many youtube videos goldfield despite using high frequencies is the deepest program for each type of target, I am attaching a video where demonstrates the power of goldfield




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