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Gold Prospector Nugget With The Axiom

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The Axiom is a detector designed for gold nugget detecting, that has yet to be released. It may very well prove to have applications for gold coins and relics, but frankly, your question is too early. Right now, the most highly regarded detector for what you are inquiring about is probably the Minelab GPX 5000. Personally, I think the Axiom is going to prove to be a very popular alternative to the GPX 5000 for coins, relic, and beach, but at this stage of the game, the only thing I willing to swear to is that it is a very good gold nugget detector. Once it actually hits the market, and some relic hunters run it through its paces, a clearer picture will develop.


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5 hours ago, botics said:

How about the Garrett ATX with the Garrett ATX Pro Deepseeker Package Metal Detector 11x13" Closed DD Coil and 15x20". I know its an older model but what are your thoughts on that for civil war caches?

If you want to know about various PI detectors and how they compare for relics, a thread asking about that on the coin and relic forum is the best bet. Ask what people are using at Culpepper. But personally I’d get an Axiom before I’d go back to an ATX, unless it needed to be submersible. The Axiom is simply a more modern, more powerful detector.

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On 8/4/2022 at 5:07 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

In general, PI detectors handle high mineral ground and hot rocks that impede VLF performance. This also means they can handle large coils more effectively than a VLF, which can add to the depth equation. In low mineral ground there is not a huge need for a PI, as it is not so much that a PI goes a lot deeper than a VLF per se, but that they lose a lot less depth than a VLF in bad ground. That is why air tests of PI vs VLF are kind of worthless. It's all about the ground. But to give you an idea, a good PI can go twice as deep as your CTX, even more, in really bad ground.

PI detectors also lack anything remotely close to VLF style discrimination, relying more on various audio characteristics and experience to determine whether to dig or not. In the crudest sense, PI detecting is for people who tend to dig most everything, VLF detecting for those who need lots of discrimination.

This link, and the articles it links to, will tell you more about ground balancing pulse induction (GBPI) discrimination than you will find anywhere else:



let's not forget that there are many pulse detectors on the market for relic hunters that do not have ground balancing and this makes them completely unsuitable for heavy terrain.

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Many thanks, Steve (and Gerry). And BTW, no bullet intended at all. It's just that I get asked this question a lot from local fellow prospectors and those who want to become one, and since I don't own the Axiom I wanted to give the best possible answer, coming from those who can actually speak to it. In particular, re Axiom vs 6000. Great perspectives, thanks guys. Will pass it on.


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