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So The Beach Hunts Start Again

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6 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

You never cease to impress. ? Can't imagine what you'd find if you had a crack at some of my places, the river, the beaches, even the farms. Do you go in the water, or are these low tide hunts?

Super stuff again.

Thanks. These are all non water hunts. I rarely go near the water with the GPX. Even with the Nox, the waves will cause havoc with you. Unprotected beaches can be real mean ? I barely see anyone go any deeper than knee high. As for doing your places, you never know if the techniques I use here will translate to success in other areas. I always think I would do great if I ever went to nugget hunt in Australia or relic hunt in the UK, but the reality of it is I would probably struggle to keep up ?. One things for sure, my junk pouch would be full ?

2 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

I assume you mean 5 or 6 times you dug iron and was rewarded with a (single) coin.  At first I thought one piece of iron hid all of them.

Still I assume this shows how the concentrating action of waves can lead to multiple targets co-located.

Four Mercs and silver GWQ.  I know you put in way more than twice as much work in a single hunt as I ever do, but still seems like a very good result (for 2022, anyway).

Thanks GB. I'm lucky that I can reach just some of the silvers that are hiding on these beaches. I have been over many of the same spots I found silver at previously and swore those spots were done for silver. It just shows that there are many smaller silvers that I could not get before for many reasons. Every time a section looses sand, I'm able to barely get some more silver. I dug a lot of ghost signals, but some of them turned out not to be empty ?. Yes, I dug some iron that had a coin with it about 5 or 6 times. Sometimes I heard the coin and the iron was off to the side, other times the nail was mostly centered, but the coin was off to the side. Almost all of the coin targets were very weak or sounded like ground noise. Some signals were ground noise and no coin, hence the ghost target designation. One things for sure, it's very hard for me to go that slow and not speed up. ?

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Beach hunt #12 was a fun hunt with the Equinox 800. I really wasn’t in the mood to lug around the GPX, ? so I opted to get reacquainted with the Nox. It was basically going to be a clad hunt with hopes of some silver or gold jewelry, but clad is all I got. ? Things are changing since the weather is getting colder and the hours of daylight diminish. I’m 2 hours away, so the time change hurts me more that the locals, which can get there at sunrise. All in all, it was a pleasure to swing that lightweight machine. Next week it will be back to the pulse machine for some deep iron. ?



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Yikes, guess the locals leave the stakes behind, I leave one or two ?

Still a nice hunt, but now you've lowered yourself to my income level ?

All that work makes it easier to find stuff for your pulse?

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4 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

Yikes, guess the locals leave the stakes behind, I leave one or two ?

Still a nice hunt, but now you've lowered yourself to my income level ?

All that work makes it easier to find stuff for your pulse?

I collect stakes ? Not really but I guess I should start. My income level dropped to zinc status. ? This won't help the pulse hunting since the areas I did were the slopes which are very deep with sand. Nowhere near the clay layer. I usually leave the pulse in areas where the clay layer is about 15" deep or less. That is where the pulse shines best for me. Who knows where I'm going next week ?

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Beach hunt #13 is done and the number 13 is a lucky number. I had a great invite from one of our forum members to try one of his productive beaches. How can you turn down an offer like that? ? It was very nice of him to offer that up. I started with the Nox and stuck with it for about 2 ½ hours. This beach had a lot of gravel type rocks showing and that made the Equinox unhappy. I finally figured out a way to hunt it by decreasing the sensitivity quite a bit lower, just to quiet it down. Things there are deep, and the Nox is not the machine for the job. So, for the last part of the hunt I used the GPX 5000. Night and day! A really good hunt with a decent amount of silver and some gold in the mix too. Also, always nice to meet up with forum members to do some hunting. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope you get to enjoy the day!





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Nice haul on hunt #13 and great you got to meet up with a fellow member.  He led you to a great spot with coins and jewelry with good age.  Way to go!

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11 hours ago, Calmark said:

Nice haul on hunt #13 and great you got to meet up with a fellow member.  He led you to a great spot with coins and jewelry with good age.  Way to go!

Thanks. It was very nice of him to share his spot with me. It's always fun when you figure out there is stuff deep that is missed. It usually leads to silver and hopefully gold. What got me the most was the number of rings (silver and junk) that impressed me. It's unusual for me to get that many rings in one hunt.

7 hours ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Great finds and it looks like a much lower trash to treasure ratio than usual. Congrats on the silver and gold, well done!

Thanks. This spot gets hit by others when it's available, so the shallow finds are gone.  Also, it's kind of rough on VLF/Multi Frequency machines. Hard to get any depth because of the rocks and sand composition. EMI is about normal, maybe a bit higher than usual.

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