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Watching For The Manticore Boat


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17 hours ago, fishersari said:

sniff sniff.. smells like new ?.. hope u like the full tones + rich + all metal..

Exactly where I started out, today, with the audio!  And I clicked well with that sound profile...


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4 hours ago, FloridaSon said:

Dang, all my fav posters are getting Manticored!

Does being #8 at a small dealer help?


For what it's worth, I was #3 at a relatively small dealer; he has received I think 5 so far...

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Nice first report. That upper limit is easy enough to adjust. I had it to 11 at one spot helped quite a bit still found lots of good targets and stopped the excessive falsing I was getting at that particular spot. Looking forward to more of your insight.


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10 hours ago, steveg said:

I called my buddy over with his Equinox, running recovery speed 3 (like I was),...

This brings up a question that's been bouncing around my head, and I think it applies to to the Eqx 900 as well:  do the numeric settings on the Manticore (or 900) correspond exactly to the same value settings on the Eqx 800?  Recovery speed and senstivity are two obvious ones, and I think many people are assuming the answer is 'yes' in both cases.  At this point (just from reading since I don't have my Manticore yet), I'm not at all sure but am WAGging towards 'no'.

I didn't see a mention of the 2-d screen in your post.  Currently are you simply concentrating on the audio, comparing/contrasting to the Eqx 800 audio?

Thanks for your reporting and ideas.  I know you want many tens of hours on this new detector before drawing any strong conclusions but it's good to see your brain's wheels turning as you proceed in that direction.

I've read the (currently) 15 page thread on the Dankowski forum which you've been a significant participant, asking Tom D. lots of questions while trying to understand its features, in some instances by comparing with the FBS detectors you know.  Your role has flipped here -- you're the Tom D. and I (and others) are the steveg.  ?


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I’m confident the higher sensitivity numbers are higher and not just the same on a new scale, EMI handling is much better too, I did some side by sides with my 800 yesterday.  If the small coil is as sensitive as the Nox by using these higher sensitivity settings to make up for its bigger size my Nox is retired.  

I had to keep my beach hand scoop well above my control box or it’d pick it up with a 26 ID, felt like I was using a PI.

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Not watching for the boat anymore!  Mine got here today.  Charging now.  About to pull it off the charger and take a spin around my coin garden before it gets dark and starts snowing again.

Going to take a few days and head south for some ghost towny stuff very soon.  Even that looks to be pretty frozen this coming weekend, so probably next weekend.

- Dave

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5 hours ago, phrunt said:

my Nox is retired.

My Nox will only rest some of the time.  I still can't see the boat anywhere?

I put my order in just before the 900 was announced, I had more than one chance at Cabela's, but figured I could wait and wait. 

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13 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

This brings up a question that's been bouncing around my head, and I think it applies to to the Eqx 900 as well:  do the numeric settings on the Manticore (or 900) correspond exactly to the same value settings on the Eqx 800?  Recovery speed and senstivity are two obvious ones, and I think many people are assuming the answer is 'yes' in both cases.  At this point (just from reading since I don't have my Manticore yet), I'm not at all sure but am WAGging towards 'no'.

I didn't see a mention of the 2-d screen in your post.  Currently are you simply concentrating on the audio, comparing/contrasting to the Eqx 800 audio?

Thanks for your reporting and ideas.  I know you want many tens of hours on this new detector before drawing any strong conclusions but it's good to see your brain's wheels turning as you proceed in that direction.

I've read the (currently) 15 page thread on the Dankowski forum which you've been a significant participant, asking Tom D. lots of questions while trying to understand its features, in some instances by comparing with the FBS detectors you know.  Your role has flipped here -- you're the Tom D. and I (and others) are the steveg.  ?


GB -- 

Not sure, on the "correspondence" between values on the MC or new EQX models, with the 600/800.  It's a good question...

No, I didn't discuss the 2-D screen in that post.  You are right.  YES, I was focusing on the audio.  I think the reason for that is, that in my brain, I see it so clearly that the audio DRIVES a good portion (the "horizontal half") of what you see on the screen, that the screen is somewhat "secondary."  So, what I was trying to do, was listen, and A -- see to what degree the audio was "similar" to that of the EQX, and then B -- just try to get a feel for whether what I was seeing on the screen "made sense," in terms of the audio I was hearing. 

 BUT -- two things that are "caveats..."

1.  The screen will take longer to learn, I think, than the audio (for those familiar with the Equinox audio).  The nuances shown by the screen, the "behaviors" of the "shapes" of the "target trace," will -- I am near certain -- offer us some clues, but it will, I think, take a good bit of time, and an OPEN mind, to make those associations.  That is also a part of why I was focusing more on the audio (but still looking at the target trace carefully, on EACH target).  

2.  I say that the audio "drives" half of what you see on the screen, the "horizontal half" (since the tones are based on the CONDUTIVE part of the target ID, and the conductive value varies "left and right," or "horizontally").  BUT -- there is the VERTICAL aspect of the trace, that is driven by the FERROUS information, that we DON'T EXPLICITLY SEE (since only the CO portion of the VDI displayed).  And I DO NOT want to diminish the importance of that "vertical" information, as it's the ONLY way we can see what the machine is telling us, about the ferrous characteristics of the target.  So, again, I think that it's not that I was IGNORING the 2D screen; I WASN'T.  It's just that I thought the audio would be the more logical thing for me to try to wrap my head around FIRST.

So, speaking of the 2D screen, one thing I observed, were alot of targets where I was getting a mix of high tones and ferrous tones.  I sort of alluded to this above, and how adjusting your limits, up and down, totally changes the "ratio" of high tones vs. ferrous tones.  BUT -- on most of those targets, what I was getting was a blobular target trace, with about half of it above my limits setting, and half of it below (hence the "mixed" tones), BUT at the same time -- with the ENTIRE blob WELL ABOVE the "zero line."  And these turned out to be all iron targets.  SO -- one thing I am wondering, but need way more time to draw a conclusion, is this...

IF I had a nail and coin next to each other...reporting as a similar half high tone and half ferrous tone as I rotate it, WOULD THE HIGH TONE (representing the coin) CENTER ON, OR NEAR, THE ZERO LINE, and be a more "separate" blob from the ferrous blob (instead of one single, large blob that simply was "straddling" my limits setting/line)? I am guessing that the answer will end up being "sometimes," but I need to see, and then dig, some of those "coin/nail" targets, to start to figure this out.  The ANSWER however, may have substantial "unmasking" implications.  Again though -- these are some of the subtleties that will need to be learned, over longer periods of time, to really try and unlock any potentially useful clues that may emerge from the 2-D screen data.

Yes, I really like Dankowski's forum for asking questions; it's great when you can talk with an engineer who was in on the detector's design, and who is willing to "teach."  But, there is relatively little talk there about the MC (aside from NASA-Tom, and a few of us), and then relatively few members who frequent both this forum, and NASA-Tom's.  SO, I love the discussion that happens here.  Yes, I do tend to ask questions over there, think it through, and then "share" the ideas here.  I had hoped that perhaps my prior FBS familiarity might speed the learning a bit, for some new MC users, but I certainly wanted to be sure that the 2D screen on FBS and the 2D screen on MC are as similar as I presumed them to be, before being too "definitive" with sharing my thoughts, as I really try hard to never inadvertently say things that are not correct...


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