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Tell Your Story Of Finds Past And Now

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You post of any finds are just a story you want to tell.

My first.

When out nugget hunting and you come across a dozer working look for the dirt that drops off the tracks. It looks like a small loaf of bread. That loaf of bread you want to detect if in gold country because wet dirt and gold gets pickup in them. I found two nice nuggets in some of the same. One was over two grams and the other was a little under.


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You ever find every coin in one hole ?

I did one time. The place was in a park and you would find lovers laying on this slope watching the water that went by.haha Anyway I dug every coin we have in the US other than a silver dollar out of that one hole. That was my first and last.


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2 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

You ever find every coin in one hole ?

I wasn't that lucky Chuck but I did find a Barber Quarter and a Barber half dollar in the same hole. I still have them and will edit this post later with pics of them but I'm still gainfully employed to got to get back to my homework for now but just 2 more days and I'll be down to one paycheck a month be it not so bad of one. 


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Here is my short story..very short. Spent a half day hunting on my own and this day I had no car as it was in the shop. I asked a friend of mine to pick me up around noon...all day I was diggin trash iron mostly and some lead. As noon approached I got another signal deep, dug down about 10 inches and heard my friend approach. I decided to fill in the hole I dug as i figured just another tin can, and started to fill it in with my foot. Friend of mine said, wait, just finish diggin the target...you just never know. Lets just say, I am very grateful for the advice....:rolleyes: to dig it. Its a moment  I will never forget....

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I just love finding old coins. Think what you could buy with that coin when lost. I found a old coin in a school yard that I'd hunted many times over. What I believe a kid got into a coin collection and it found it's way to school for show and tell.

Glad you found dog tags.of a friend loss. I was in Thule Greenland in 64 and while gone my dog got kill. I want you to know tears was running down this old boys face.

I've walk away from a hole I'd been digging awhile more than one time. Oh it was hot but the trouble is you can't stop thinking about what you may left.

Thank for any story you would like to post. This about people like all of us. Some may be happy and others could be sad.. Like some I think back on what were you thinking.


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Here's one for you Chuck-

I looked around for a dry place to sit down but there was nary one in sight. I knew if I got the seat of my pants damp it would be very uncomfortable because it wasn’t that warm outside. I had awoke to two inches of snow on the ground the morning before and while it had melted during the previous day the ground was still cold and muddy. This was my fourth day of nugget hunting on a pounded claim. The day dawned bright, clear and cold. I was determined to add some more gold to my poke which up to then only held one gram and a half nugget I found in a well used area my first  day on the claims. "What do you do when you really need a gold fix?" I said to myself. The answer came back loud and clear. You work harder than most people are willing to. Whether it means digging the trashiest area or crawling under the brush on your hands and knees a person can usually get gold out of a pounded patch by going the “extra mile”. That was why I started the day with a NF 12” elliptical mono coil mounted to the lower shaft of my trusty Minelab 4500. I had marched to the area I planned to hunt for the day and proceeded to poke that little coil into every nook and cranny in the brush that blanketed a large part of the patch.

So far I had found two nuggets. After an hour and a half of fruitless hunting I had scored my first gold, it was a 2.9 grammer that wasn’t in the brush but was hiding near the edge of it.  That renewed my energy that had been flagging due to the physical demands of “extreme brush detecting”. I slowly and carefully started detecting in a widening circle around the location of my first find and received for my efforts a faint but obvious sweet signal about ten feet away from my first find. Digging down I unearthed a small golden treasure weighing 0.7 grams. Happy,happy,happy!

Now it was after the lunch hour and I had spent fruitless hours and expended a lot of energy looking for nugget #3. Sitting there contemplating another nugget was not going to get me one, only a soggy butt. So I stood,  then picked myself up by the boot straps and went right back to work. I had made my way out of the brush and was detecting open ground when I received a strong signal. Thinking it was trash I sunk my pick into the soft soil and scooped out about four inches worth. Right off the target was in the spoils pile so I am thinking 22 bullet or a bit of square nail but lo and behold it turned out to be a nice 3.9 gram nugget.
That nugget came out of the hole, survived the obligatory spit bath in my mouth, and the initial weigh-in as one nugget. It wasn’t until the next morning as I was fondling my previous days finds so as to psyche myself up for the coming hunt that whatever had bonded them together failed during my handling and they fell apart and I discovered it was actually two nuggets! I love it when I get multiple nuggets out of one hole.

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  I was nugget hunting in the Enchanted Forest and I had just passed my coil over an excellent sounding target when-

from a nearby copse came forth a beautiful young maiden "Oh brave and hansom stranger" sayeth she. " Doth thou have it in thine heart to lend assistance to a maiden in travail"?

 I scraped the leaves and forest duff from over my target and again passed my coil over it. I had little doubt that this was a large deep nugget.

 "Young maiden" sayeth I. "Thine presence here int the Enchanted Forest doth pique my curiosity. Prey tell. What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this"?

  I dug down about twelve inches and the ground became very hard and compacted. It had never been disturbed by man nor beast.

"Oh brave and hansom stranger" sayeth the young maiden. "The Evil Prince doth pursue me, intending my capture thus to imprison me in the Castle of Doom until a great ransom in gold is paid". Canst "thou help me"?

 I had dug down to twenty inches and I knew beyond any doubt that I had made an extraordinary discovery when-

"HARK!" sayeth the beautiful young maiden. "Dost thou not hear the hoof beat of the viscous stallion upon which rides the Evil Prince? "Remove thine silly headphones!"

 I looked up from my excavation and spied, upon a distant rise and riding like the wind of death on a fire breathing black stallion was the Evil Prince, his cape flailing  behind him like the tail of a rabid raven. Time would not allow the recovery of my huge nugget and the rescue of the beautiful young maiden.

 As stated by the beautiful young maiden, I am very brave (and quite hansom) and my very breath doth bear witness that I have yet been bested in mortal combat. However, I am a practical gold miner.

 Donations, in gold, may be sent via this forum to the Beautiful Maiden Ransom Fund, care of Klunker.

     Thank you all for your generosity.




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