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First Gold Of 2023 With The Deus 2


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I hunt mostly parks and schools in my area.  There is not a lot of relic hunting to do here.  Iron is not a big problem here, but I like to hear it.  I have the iron volume set at 2.  Bottle caps are a problem, and I have the bottle cap reject set at 3.


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Very nice ring great find, I like your settings thanks for posting them. I have been experimenting with notch as well, it certainly a good feature to have when required.

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Really nice find...notching to 50 is a good bet. I got a  little gold ring (under 2 grams) with the deus 2 this summer that was a 48. I'll have to start using the Deus 2 in some parks it seems (if I can put down the Manticore) . Thanks for posting such a nice find...how much did it weigh?  


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17 hours ago, Dcraun said:

Great job! Thanks for posting your settings and ID number. I’ve had great luck with notching up to 40 as well. Notching just works differently on the Deus2 than it has on any other  detector so far. I’m still trying to figure out the perfect notch settings so I’m curious if you’re hunting in a park and not relic hunting  why didn’t you notch out the iron as well? With the testing I’ve done so far I have found that the iron tones can still mask a good signal but once they’re notched out the signal will come through loud and clear.

As far as relic hunting goes, sometimes relics are made of iron and also non-ferrous relics can have iron rusted onto them if they've been in the ground together for a long time, so notching out iron will lose some good targets and not all targets will unmask.

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2 hours ago, strick said:

Really nice find...notching to 50 is a good bet. I got a  little gold ring (under 2 grams) with the deus 2 this summer that was a 48. I'll have to start using the Deus 2 in some parks it seems (if I can put down the Manticore) . Thanks for posting such a nice find...how much did it weigh?  


It weighs 3.6 grams.

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6 hours ago, Gary XP said:

That is such a cool find, well saved ?

Gary, is there any gain or loss from using the filters in the following way ?

He used disc. 10 / notch 11 thru 40.

If he used disc. 6 / notch 7 thru 40

Does one filter suffer the depth over the other, or would the loss of depth due to filter used make a difference?

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On 1/26/2023 at 11:58 AM, CPT_GhostLight said:

As far as relic hunting goes, sometimes relics are made of iron and also non-ferrous relics can have iron rusted onto them if they've been in the ground together for a long time, so notching out iron will lose some good targets and not all targets will unmask.

If you don't run disc too low (i.e., set it to between 7 and 10) then you will still hear the iron up to 7 or 10 or falsing big iron (97-99) even if you notch to 40 or 50 because you have iron volume but all that lite non-ferrous junk is silenced. But that's also the reason why you don't disc to 40 or 50 because everything up to 40 or 50 will sound off with a ferrous tone with iron audio on.  Also, you might take a target depth performance hit running disc that high but that's subject to conjecture (see my post below in response to Carolina).

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4 hours ago, Carolina said:

Gary, is there any gain or loss from using the filters in the following way ?

He used disc. 10 / notch 11 thru 40.

If he used disc. 6 / notch 7 thru 40

Does one filter suffer the depth over the other, or would the loss of depth due to filter used make a difference?

Hopefully, Gary chimes in too.  But I can tell you what I know based on my experience with both D1 and D2 so far, but need to do some additional testing verify some things.  Also, see my previous post responding to CPT_GhostLight.

First of all with respect to the settings above, there should be no appreciable performance difference with those two different disc and notch settings.  It's just a matter of whether you want hear ferrous (or other) targets between 6 and 10.  If you don't, pick 6. If you do, pick 10.  I don't think that soil mineralization would have much impact on this unless you were searching for low conductive non-ferrous micro or ferrous masked targets.

During Deus 1 boot camp sessions, Andy Sabisch would demonstrate using air tests that there is no depth performance hit even if you run Disc up to 15 which is really the upper ferrous limit but practically, not very much ferrous rings up between 10 and 15 in my experience.  I have seen people test the D1 and ORX with disc as high as 60 with seemingly little to no depth loss in mild, sandy soils.  I suspect, but haven't verified, that you would take a depth hit if you ran disc that high in moderately to highly mineralized soils.  Also, you have the issue I mentioned previously regarding all targets below the high disc setting sounding off as ferrous.


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