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Re/ AQ Threshold Pot Burnout

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Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to why the threshold pots on this machine keep going and what might be done to effect a permanent repair.



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On my last hunt I kept having to back off on the threshold and wasn’t sure why. Was my hearing getting more sensitive, or annoyed? Or was something in the machine changing perhaps due to battery level?  Didn’t have any intermittent problem though like I did with the delay pot. Try the fix I did for that - take the knob off, loosen the nut a bit and listen for intermittents and tighten the knob where it’s good. What did a threshold pot fix cost from Fisher?

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On my TDI SL, the threshold slowly gets louder as the batteries decline. Have to readjust as I detect. Just food for thought.


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On 1/28/2023 at 5:41 PM, stateguy said:

Is that’s what wrong with mine the pot I lose the threshold at times and tap behind the control box and sometimes it comes back. 

Hard to say but these vishay pots are dodgey.  They can develop  hot spots or blank spots.  They can also have the entire range of adjustent at one end of  the turn radius.  Its a shame because one trick that Eric Foster taught me is to stabilize a pulse--bak the threshold off.  This works well with the AQ but other buddies are telling me to set and forget to reduce the chance of a fry. Amazing that a tap fixes yours I will try that too but am not that hopefull.  Looks more like an $85 sojurn to El  Paso


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9 hours ago, Jim in Idaho said:

On my TDI SL, the threshold slowly gets louder as the batteries decline. Have to readjust as I detect. Just food for thought.


wish that was the problem.  The AQ has gated power that's why Im surprised to see this as usually it's  a result of  power surges. 


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Both of my AQ's have a warm up period of about 15 minutes, been that way since day one.......after that 15 minutes no more adjustments needed. If my Pot goes, I guess I'll be the first to do the repair. If that is the only issue I'll be Happy.... My question then would be what pot does the TDI use for it's threshold for I never heard of them having the same issue. More than likely I'll be putting the guts in a water proof case of some type after... so it will be easier to work on.

This may sound a little crazy but I can't wait to get my hands inside of that monster..☠️

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2 hours ago, cjc said:

wish that was the problem.  The AQ has gated power that's why Im surprised to see this as usually it's  a result of  power surges. 


You ever notice how hot the AQ gets in one area? (right below) One of the first things I did when I got one was do a temp check on the corners and middle of the case. ANd this after 10 to 15 minutes if I remember correct...Got pictures  of it some where..




109 (2).jpg



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Alexandre told us all it takes 15 min. for the AQ to warm up. As Clive stated, I am one of the ones who has set his pot and never needed to adjust the threshold. After that fifteen min. warm up two years ago it has not moved. I adjust with the pots on my headphones if needed. Hell, tear it open now Joe. You got a spare. I believe you will be second behind Dennis though.


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