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Which One To Choose Xp Deus Or Xp Deus 2


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4 minutes ago, Odin said:

Hello everyone, I wanted to know your opinions, having used these two detectors, which one would you buy today, the deus 1 or the deus 2?

I have not used the Deus 1 but I've been using the Deus 2 for a long time now with great success.

Because it is everything the Deus 1 is and much more, I would say the Deus 2 is the better choice, but you have to consider your budget and where you want to use it. Perhaps if you provide more information it would help. ?

To have all the Deus 2 accessories and coils will cost you well over US $2,000. Each accessory is more expensive than the Deus 1, although some work with the Deus 2. The coils are not interchangeable.

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I’ve owned both, and for me it would be the Deus 2 without a doubt. With the Deus 2, you basically get a Deus 1 built in (running mono), plus SMF, more depth, and a much more stable ID. If budget didn’t allow for a D2 with remote, I’d still go for a D2 lite over a D1.

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Deus 2 is a big improvement over Deus 1 for people that hunt in iron mineralization, salt mineralization or both at the same time since it runs much quieter and ground balances better in those more extreme ground conditions.

It is also a big improvement over Deus 1 for any kind of submerged in water hunting.

For people that hunt in steel alloy and aluminum trashed parks, Deus 2 is a gigantic improvement over Deus 1. I basically would not take a Deus 1 into a really modern trashed area with constant aluminum and steel bottle cap trash in the past.

For people who depend on correct target IDs and audio tones on deeper targets especially low to mid conductor non-ferrous targets, Deus 2 is a humongous improvement over Deus 1 if soil or beach conditions are even slightly mineralized. Up averaging of deeper coin sized targets for the most part has been eliminated until the depth of detection is reached in most ground conditions that aren't too extreme.

It still has virtually the same great ergonomics as Deus 1, same portability, and same fantastic iron trash handling.

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34 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Deus 2 es una gran mejora con respecto a Deus 1 para las personas que cazan en mineralización de hierro, mineralización de sal o ambas al mismo tiempo, ya que funciona mucho más silenciosamente y se equilibra mejor en esas condiciones de suelo más extremas.

También es una gran mejora con respecto a Deus 1 para cualquier tipo de caza sumergida en el agua.

Para las personas que cazan en parques con basura de aleación de acero y aluminio, Deus 2 es una mejora gigantesca con respecto a Deus 1. Básicamente, no llevaría un Deus 1 a un área realmente moderna con basura constante de tapas de botellas de aluminio y acero en el pasado.

Para las personas que dependen de las identificaciones de objetivo correctas y los tonos de audio en objetivos más profundos, especialmente objetivos no ferrosos de bajo a medio conductor, Deus 2 es una gran mejora con respecto a Deus 1 si las condiciones del suelo o la playa están ligeramente mineralizadas. En su mayor parte, se eliminó el promedio ascendente de objetivos más profundos del tamaño de una moneda hasta que se alcanza la profundidad de detección en la mayoría de las condiciones del suelo que no son demasiado extremas.

Todavía tiene prácticamente la misma gran ergonomía que Deus 1, la misma portabilidad y el mismo fantástico manejo de basura de hierro.

very good explanation ?

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If you're gold prospecting, Deus 1 without a doubt.


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