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Merrill Nyc Detecting - "proof: Minelab Manticore Misses A Lot Of Gold"

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I watched the video before it was taken down, and the whole thing was facepalm worthy. For example:

1) He uses a mode that the engineers, for good reason, designed to discriminate out those targets, then complains that the mode can't hit those targets (Whaa??). He calls it a "problem", instead of changing the mode / settings to hit the targets he desires.

2) He talks about how the Legend used to have the same problem. The "problem" lol, was about the Legend's Park mode discriminating out the 11 ID when in Park mode. It was designed to do that because 11 on the Legend is one ID above the ferrous range, and 11 on the Legend is almost always small foil. So, if the engineers didn't discriminate out 11, then just as many people would be complaining that the Legend hits on too much small foil. In other words, metal detector engineers are often in a no win situation when it comes to the defualt settings they decide to use. However, just like the Manti or any other feature rich detector: Just change the damn settings and/or mode to what you want to hit! It's not a "problem" and it's not that freakin hard!

3) He goes on about the Manti as if it has some sort of miraculous bottle cap rejection (another Whaa??). Bottle cap rejection is simple coding for the engineers, because it's just simple discrimination. The hard part of BCR for the engineers, is having to decide how aggressive to make it. For example, do they reject just steel caps, or aluminum caps as well? Either way, the engineers are again in a no win situation, because whatever option they choose, people would complain that the BCR is too weak or too strong. If someone owns one of these detectors, they should know that they can eliminate most caps without using a BCR feature, by using other settings. But, the more caps they discriminate out, the more good targets are missed. 

#2 and #4 seems to be him trying to justify and placate his ludicrous assertions. Given his past annoyance of not getting enough traffic to his site, and complaining that the controversial sites were getting all the hits, then it seems to me that the video was click bait to generate site traffic. Especially when you consider that he used the erroneous, overly dramatic, and fear mongering video title of, "The Manticore misses A LOT of gold".

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12 minutes ago, Johnnysalami1957 said:

I'm glad to read about all the perfect people here that never make mistakes, He corrected his and I wonder how many of us have the perfect setting for every environment they encounter without experimenting. Geez is this facebook? We are all learning every time we go out detecting.

Merrill is an intelligent guy, and an experienced detectorist. He wouldn't make such basic mistakes. IMO, it was all deliberate for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post.

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I have screwed up and made technical specs mistakes on forums and I often apologize for them. I try to do the same when I mistreat someone because of a misunderstanding or because I am having a bad day and let it filter into what I write. 

Merrill and a few other YouTubers have made basic technical mistakes in their videos. Whether they do it on purpose, accidentally or out of ignorance, for me it really doesn't matter. What does matter to me is how they handle it when people actually call them out for their blunders/bloopers/deliberately wrong information.

My experience with trying to suggest that some of these YouTubers are giving out wrong information based on a technical mistake has generally not gone very well for me.

Merrill stopped responding to my comments on his videos long ago and I have stopped watching them also.

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But this is two in a row (the 50% more power video and this one) that he has posted a video title that throws Manticore under the bus but then retracts and needs to explain his previous video as "Maybe not as bad as the title sounded".

It's as if he's experimenting trying to find something bad with Manticore and then pushing out a title that is going to grab everyone's attention to get more hits.

Good on bottlecaps? That's the best you've found about the machine? Really?

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I’ve watched both videos bashing the manticore, while I generally enjoy his videos he’s starting to lose his credibility. I’ve noticed that in the beginning of his videos he’s pushing people to give him likes. Likes increase revenue and having click bait titles increases traffic.

my first thought when he was using all terrain was of corse it’s going to miss low number gold, that’s what happens when you notch out low numbers.

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I watch many videos on all kinds of different topics. I take them all with a grain of salt or even a 5 lb bag. 

People don't make a much money on youtube anymore and if you scroll through the topics and see the pictures they are rarely what's in the content. You can always change the channel if you don't like or agree with the presenter. 

I could fault lots of things but is it really worth it? My mother always said to pick your battles. I still look at Calabashs videos. I like him as a presenter . Do I agree with everything? Na. I see he made made up with Nokta and has a Legend to test now.

Before I retired as an HVAC/R instructor I had to have continuing education every year. There was always an instructor that was long on wind and short on knowledge. I just didn't pay attention to them. I didn't feel the need to point out their mistakes because I had a more in depth understanding of the subject matter. I took the higher road.

I just do what Jeff does and change the channel. Eventually if he continues this, he will have no viewers. He's digging his own grave. Pun intended.


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Theres a gardening channel on you tube that I've subscribed to years ago..Usually has some good stuff..lately he's been doing ufo crap...It generates 10 times the hits 10 times faster that the gardening stuff does....I've unsubscribed to the channel. The Metal detecting New York city channel is not on my subscription list either. 


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