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This Article Is So Far Off Base

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Don't know who this writer is but man they need to learn the detectors they are writing about, nothing in this about the Legend is remotely close at all


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Maybe they let AI write it! It certainly was not Proof read by any person that knows what they are talking about.

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Wonder where they got the color screen? It's a mishmash.

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After I wrote that post, I asked Chat GPT to: "write an article comparing the nokta makro legend to minelab equinox 800". The results show similar errors to the article that DS posted:


Title: Unearthing History: A Comparative Review of the Nokta Makro Legend and Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detectors


Metal detecting is an exhilarating hobby that brings together history enthusiasts and treasure seekers alike. Whether you're hunting for relics from the past or valuable finds, having the right metal detector can make all the difference. In this article, we will compare two popular metal detectors on the market: the Nokta Makro Legend and the Minelab Equinox 800. We'll explore their features, performance, and overall capabilities to help you make an informed decision on which detector suits your metal detecting needs.

  1. Design and Build:

Both the Nokta Makro Legend and the Minelab Equinox 800 are designed to be ergonomic, lightweight, and easy to use. The Legend features a sleek and compact design, making it ideal for extended hunting sessions. On the other hand, the Equinox 800 boasts a slightly bulkier build, but its well-balanced construction ensures comfortable use for prolonged periods.

  1. Multi-Frequency Technology:

One of the standout features of the Minelab Equinox 800 is its multi-frequency technology, allowing users to operate at multiple frequencies simultaneously. This enables the detector to adjust to various ground conditions and enhance target identification. In contrast, the Nokta Makro Legend operates at a single frequency but offers excellent target separation and depth detection.

  1. Target ID and Discrimination:

The Nokta Makro Legend provides a straightforward target ID system, displaying numerical values on the screen to identify the type of metal detected. Although not as advanced as the Equinox 800's multi-frequency technology, the Legend offers reliable discrimination capabilities, allowing users to focus on specific types of targets.

The Minelab Equinox 800's multi-frequency technology gives it a distinct advantage in target ID accuracy. Its enhanced discrimination system helps users differentiate between various metals more precisely, reducing the likelihood of digging up unwanted targets.

  1. Search Modes:

Both detectors offer a range of search modes tailored to different detecting scenarios. The Nokta Makro Legend features preset modes for coins, relics, and all-metal detection, ensuring users can start hunting right away. The Minelab Equinox 800, however, takes it a step further with its customizability, allowing users to create their search profiles and save them for future use.

  1. Depth and Sensitivity:

In terms of depth detection, the Nokta Makro Legend holds its ground exceptionally well, especially for a single-frequency detector. It can identify targets buried at impressive depths, making it a reliable choice for experienced and novice detectorists alike.

The Minelab Equinox 800's multi-frequency technology also contributes to its impressive depth detection capabilities. Moreover, its adjustable sensitivity settings allow users to fine-tune the detector's performance based on ground conditions, ensuring optimal results in various environments.

  1. Waterproof Abilities:

If you are a water or beach enthusiast, the Minelab Equinox 800 has the upper hand. It comes with a waterproof design, making it suitable for shallow water and beach hunting. The Nokta Makro Legend, while offering excellent performance on dry land, does not have the same waterproof capability.


In conclusion, both the Nokta Makro Legend and the Minelab Equinox 800 are formidable metal detectors, each with its unique strengths. The Nokta Makro Legend impresses with its compact design, reliable target ID, and remarkable depth detection. On the other hand, the Minelab Equinox 800 stands out with its multi-frequency technology, superior target identification, and waterproof capabilities.

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