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Introducing Lil-croft And Our Manticore Dilemma

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Hi Detector Prospectors! Skip ahead to "Problem:" if you want to cut to the chase.

Backstory: My youngest daughter just graduated from Kindergarten and she is a "Little Lara Croft"! She finds coins and treasures wherever she goes - just like a human metal detector. On more than one occasion she has found 100+ year old coins all by herself. She's a real darling and I'm proud of her. I'm also very supportive of her interests and skills as a junior treasure hunter. I had a metal detector when I was younger, so I have decided to make this a family project and get a new detector. The plan is for me to operate a full-size detector and have her assist with the pinpointing. When she's old enough and proven her "mettle" (pun intended), I'll get her a full detector. In the meantime, we'll spend some quality time together and I'll build up my detecting skills. I narrowed our choices down to The Legend and Manticore. Bass Pro had a 10% off day and they carry Minelab products, so I placed my order for pick up (a requirement for the discount). There is no nearby store so we had to drive over 2 hours round trip to pick it up. First time ever at the store. It was set up and decorated well and the girls liked the huge fish tank.

Strange: The guy ahead of me in the customer service line was actually returning a Manticore which seemed like a very strange coincidence. When I got the package I triple checked that the box had my order info on it, which it did - meaning it was the exact one I ordered rather than the returned one.

Problem: I got the Manticore box home and began to open it up. The first thing I noticed was that the normal circular plastic box seal was broken and taped over with clear packing tape. I wasn't happy to see a broken seal but the entire box was all taped up with a "ship to store" label with my name on it, so it didn't really raise any alarm bells. However, once I got the box open I saw that the skid plate had some dirt on it. The dirt resembles the kind of reddish dusty dirt that you'd find on a clay tennis court. A 6th screen protector (box includes 5 spares) is already installed and appears to have some wear/scratches. Marks in the plastic on the shaft indicate that the arm brace had been previously attached. The included quick start guide lacks the crispness of typical new product instructions. Serial numbers for the computer and coil do not match. On the other hand, the headphones seem 100% untouched.

Question: Is this normal for Minelab detectors? Does some kind of factory QA/testing explain the dirt on the skid plate, etc.? Is this possibly a refurbished detector or did Bass Pro sell a returned product as new? Maybe the serial numbers can be checked with Minelab to authenticate the possibility of a refurbished detector?

Are there any settings that could indicate prior usage (like a "detecting hours odometer")? Can the performance of this detector be confirmed by some kind of diagnostics or simple tests? I would rather not drive another 2 hours but my concern is that someone who "knows more about this" tested it out and determined that it was not performing properly.

Thank you for any advice from fellow Minelab owners (and fathers of adorable little treasure hunters)!

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Welcome and great back story.

Unfortunately your detector has likely been used, they are not tested on dirt at the factory, if at all.   It's probably a returned unit repacked up to sell by the retailer. 

There is no hours used meter on the Manticore, however you could check the settings on the detector vs the factory defaults, so go through each mode and check settings, then perform a factory reset and see if any settings now differ.

Either way, the dirt is the give away.  It should have no dirt anywhere, if there was dirt coming over from Malaysia in detector boxes I'm sure US customs wouldn't be too happy about that ?

Minelab would be able to check if the serial number was registered to someone else for warranty purposes, if the person bothered to do so. 

I'd just take it back and ask for one not used if you're worried about it, in all likelihood its fine though and you've still got the full warranty.

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Sounds like a "tested" or at least previously assembled Manticore to me. I don't know where Bass Pro gets their Manticores from. Do they come straight off the boat to Bass Pro/Cabelas or do they go through a distributer first?

Having the round adhesive seal broken is not good.

Coil serial numbers don't usually match system control pod serial numbers. The system control pod's serial number should match the serial number on the original box. 

Personally, for the price one pays for a Manticore, I would demand a brand new, unopened one. Getting 10% off at Bass Pro shouldn't automatically mean that you get an open box Manticore. Your 10% price should have been based on an open box price not a brand new price.

However, I have purchased several expensive detectors that were dealer demo units BUT I knew in advance that they were demo units and that they were priced accordingly. They had full warranties and have been great.

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Someone else had returned it and Bass Pro stuck you with it. 
 I’ve had trouble with them before and I don’t do business with them anymore.

 I sure wouldn’t buy a detector from them are any other business like that that don’t know the first thing about that detector you’re buying.

 Personally I’d get my money back and buy from one of the dealers here.


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you paid for new so you must have new, otherwise it is called ''deception'' and depending on the country is liable to a court sanction. Kisses to our star Lil-Croft.


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Welcome, Lil-Croft!

Someone has at least assembled this unit and tested it.  Probably a returned unit from a disgruntled/remorseful buyer.  I can't imagine it's a refurb.  Very low class process to sell it to you with dirt on it!

I'd make a phonecall to the store you purchased it at and see what they say.  (Is it possible that the 'sale' you were told about documented you would be getting a repackaged unit?)  Communicating with Bass Pro Shops headquarters would be the next line of inquiry.  Minelab would be a last resort -- they probably should be made aware of what happened but I'm not confident they would take action on your behalf.  If it's Minelab Americas (headquartered in Naperville, Illinois) that you're referred to, IMO might as well not waste your time calling them.  Contacting Minelab in Australia *might* get some action, though.  (Don't hold your breath there, either.)  It really sounds like a Bass Pro Shops issue.

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I find it strange that this unit had to be shipped to the store for you from some warehouse. Before you make the 2 hour trip back, call them and make sure they have stock at the store to exchange it for a sealed unit. That is assuming you decide to return it. There may be nothing wrong with it, but it would still bug the heck out of me.

Maybe if you emailed Bass Pro customer service and explain the 2 hour drive problem and suggest that they overnight you a new one and provide you with a return ship label they may do it. That would be your best solution but who knows if they would go for it. I know you said "pick-up only" for the discount, but they screwed up. 

There is no built in diagnostic program to run. I can't believe they did this to anybody. But hey....maybe there is nothing wrong with the unit and you can deal with it.

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I’d be asking for another 10% discount based on your adverse findings……as others mentioned, the detector is very likely to be 100% operational but you are not buying a “new” detector…..it is technically second hand.

Many years ago, I bought a new Minelab Excalibur from a well known company here in Australia…….imagine by reaction when I found a pile of sand in the shaft. I got a 50% discount when I threatened to post my photos on a detecting forum. 

And let’s face it…….we ALL enjoy peeling that plastic screen protector off any new electronic device so don’t let anyone take that simple pleasure away from you ?

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