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Beach Hunt 2023 Has Started

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1 hour ago, rvpopeye said:



A streaker on the beach ? might be contagious ! ?

Who wants to see an old (silver) streaker at all? ?

14 minutes ago, rvpopeye said:

I'm also finding silver , not enough to allow me to find gold yet but I have found lots of lead and I've come up with a plan.

A Gourmet Black Tie Dinner Party. ,,,at my beach !? 



Sounds like a plan. I like lead ? Silver won't hurt though ?

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Again a great hunt despite the hurdles. ? Once again you show the VLF crowd what they're missing... ? That and sore muscles of course. ?

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On 11/14/2023 at 1:35 PM, schoolofhardNox said:

Who wants to see an old (silver) streaker at all? ?


THAT'S  my point !  Imagine if all the "beach seniors" joined in  :blink:  

(Now , I guess I'll have to turn down that job offer from the nudist colony)?

Silver =yes would love to see it on any beach !!

Silver Streaker =not so much 

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On 11/15/2023 at 10:47 AM, F350Platinum said:

Again a great hunt despite the hurdles. ? Once again you show the VLF crowd what they're missing... ? That and sore muscles of course. ?

I'm mad at those VLF guys for being able to discriminate out those bottle caps and small bits of aluminum. They should be removing them for me ? Now I'm stuck digging them to get to the deeper stuff. I'm calling the metal detecting police on them!

20 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

THAT'S  my point !  Imagine if all the "beach seniors" joined in  :blink:  

(Now , I guess I'll have to turn down that job offer from the nudist colony)?

Silver =yes would love to see it on any beach !!

Silver Streaker =not so much 

I'm trying hard not to imagine that. ? ............?

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Beach hunt # 9 is a return trip to the same beach that I did last week. This was going to be a scouring and expanding hunt of the small area (approx. 30’ x 20’). I also wanted to try out some larger coils I have and opted to take the Detech 15” Spiral coil, the  17x21” Detech SEF coil and maybe the Coiltek 14” Anti-interference coil, if there was any time left. I left the Detech 18” DD coil at home, figuring it probably would not add anything to the test. I started by using the 12 ½ inch coil I had on the machine and went straight to another section of the beach where I have never been able to get any deep coins. It is far more sanded in than the area where I found the silver from my last visit. No luck there, so I switched to the 15” spiral coil and went back to the silver patch. I remember it feeling heavy and it is.  ? Worked about 2 hours in the patch and did not hit any silver. Did get a Buffalo and a Wheat, so it did pick up some missed coins. Then the 17x21” coil came on. Each of these coils ran in the cancel mode as this is the beach with the Accela / Amtrac train that is just about right on the beach. The 15” coil was the noisiest coil, even in cancel but only when the trains were actually passing by you. The 17x21 handled that better. Both coils ran relatively quietly when the tracks were powered down a bit. I was glad that such large coils were usable with the heavy EMI. Depth was solely dependent on the level of EMI that they were exposed to. I ran the 17x21 coil for about 4 hours. I also expanded the hunt length and width wise. These coins were not easy to get at, and most were at the 16” mark. One Mercury dime was a surprise, since I thought I was going to be digging some ground noise, but it ended up being silver. ? The large coils were harder to pinpoint since cancel mode shifts the pinpoint from center to the left side of the coil. Also, it was hard to find the target with that 17x21. Took a bit of time for me to figure out what part of the coil I should use as a guide. Fun times. All in all, I did better that I thought I would do, but swinging them coils is way harder than the 12 ½” coil I am used to. I’m done at this beach and if I get out next week, I’ll be looking at trying a new beach.




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Wow! 16" down. ? About the only thing I get at that depth or deeper is a beer can bottom or a big toy car. ? Incredible. Nice silver, and some interesting tokens and foreign coins!

The idea of using a Pulse Induction Machine at my permissions has been an attractive thought, but usually ends up being rejected after digging a few junk targets. Tip o' the Tricorne to you again!

"Never hunted out" must mean never hunted by you. ? Fantastic! ?

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