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I'd Like To See A 71 Khz Gold Bug

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I'm surprised Minelab have taken so long to release a prospecting multi frequency VLF, perhaps it's just too hard to justify the time and expense when the Nox 800 and Manticore already do the job just fine and the likelihood of high sales is pretty low, most would just settle on the do-it-all design of the Nox/Manticore than buy a dedicated machine. 

I think people are crazy buying a Gold Monster when the Equinox is so much better in many ways and virtually on par performance wise on smaller gold although I personally think it's better, better on bigger gold and has all the features required to make it even better for prospecting than the Monster, even being waterproof for creek gold detecting.  So, a GM 2000 would just be a cut back Equinox 800 with a solid design coil and near to the Nox price... waste of money when you can buy the full featured Nox, they'd be better off investing their time into making a gold prospecting range of coils for the Nox and Manticore, they would sell well, a little Snake 6.5 x 3.5 type coil, and a nice 10x5" solid, a 5" round solid would go down nicely too.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if a gold prospecting range of coils far outsold a GM 2000.    

Dedicated gold machines in VLF's have seen their day I think, I certainly wouldn't buy a 71kHz Gold Bug Pro.  While a great idea 10 years ago not so much now. 

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Agreed on that Phrunt. As much as I like the GM, the Manticore even with the 11 inch coil comes pretty close to the gold sensitivity of the GM (when run hot). I suspect with the M8 coil the difference will even be smaller, but yet with all the features the Manticore is offering, also wrt to relic hunting. I don't think it makes much sense to develop pure gold VLFs anymore, which stands in contrast to PI/ZVT technology where the differences still appear to matter.


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3 hours ago, phrunt said:

So, a GM 2000 would just be a cut back Equinox 800 with a solid design coil and near to the Nox price... waste of money when you can buy the full featured Nox....

No reason for a Gold Monster Multi to sell for more than a Vanquish, and in fact putting it in a Vanquish box would be better than putting it in the existing Gold Monster box.

So imagine something more like this (but with a solid coil), light, collapsible, able to use standard or rechargeable batteries, wireless headphones, and a multi Gold Mode tweaked and improved over that in either the Equinox or Manticore, simplified control set - for $499


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Yes, that would be a good deal, if it were a Vanquish price it would be a sensible purchase choice.  My thoughts are based upon the GM1000 here which is more expensive than an Equinox 600 and not all that much cheaper than an Equinox 800 so it just seems crazy to buy a GM1000.

It does come with an extra coil which justifies the price a bit however a GM2000 with just a 5" coil for a Vanquish price and some better performance than the existing multi-IQ machines on gold might even tempt me.    I much prefer the Vanquish shaft than the GM1000 shaft, the Vanquish shaft is a very good design.

It makes you wonder if a multi-IQ GM will be the next detector release in a year or so, I'm not sure how well it would sell with many satisfied with their multi-IQ machines prospecting modes already.

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I just wonder how low the price can go. A $500 retail price probably means the detector will cost $100-150 to make at the most, including everything. At some point, the quality/performance is just not there any more.


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