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Gang I Need Your Help. Regarding Hip-stick Lengths


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35 minutes ago, phrunt said:

unlike the hip stick it's not trying to push my pants down, it holds them up ?

Last question; Isn't the purpose of both units to redistribute the weight off the shoulder and down onto the hips? If that is true then both units will exert downward pressure. If you are wearing the belt clip on the belt for your pants, they both will be pushing downward on your pants. I always thought these hipsticks were meant to be worn with a harness that had its own belt and would therefore not result in a falling pants calamity.  Anyway…it all remains to be seen I guess. Take it easy...

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8 hours ago, phrunt said:

Looks great, only downside to me is its looking 3D printed.  


Yep sure does...one thing for sure is that Doc's wont be 3d printed....tanks for pointing that out as some would not notice this. disclaimer...I've never tried a "hip stick" and never will ? 


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The hip stick seems to be for harness only with its fixed length, but now I see little need for a harness, I used to for the speakers on the 4500 and its butt battery as I liked speakers but now with modern detectors and the Avantree Torus the harness is an optional thing, even my 5000 now I won't be wearing a harness ever again with its new lithium battery on the side of the box and wireless audio to the neck speaker or its JBL speaker on the shaft,  these new lightweight detectors don't really need a harness and even the GPZ with the 8" coil which is my common GPZ combo certainly doesn't need a harness.

Docs Ultra Swingy Thingy would take care of any fatigue with these lighter coils and detectors, it holds the pants up too as a bonus, while giving you a decent Bungy option and is certainly more than you need for the smaller coils, if I was in Australia swinging a 22" Concentric on my GPZ I'd be far more for the hip mounted method though as long as targets were few and far between as it's a frustrating thing to wear when constantly up and down digging and recovering targets, even the 15" Concentric on the GPZ can be a bit tiring by the end of the day as its similar weight to the stock 14x13" coil, slightly less I think but I'd still rather just connect it to a backpack and to my belt than have to wear a harness, which is why I'm interested in the contraption Doc comes up with, and anyone else.

The reason I like the idea of an extendable one is so I can use anything with the little D ring clip on it to hook the hip stick onto, I often have a small backpack on when detecting, it has my food and drink it in, and another coil usually.  So, I prefer to just clip onto that and my pants belt, most decent backpacks already have the little D ring on them.

We are all different though, as I become a senior citizen, I'm sure my thoughts and opinions on these assistant devices will change.  I never liked them at all, the Swingy Thingy helped convert me a bit.

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10 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I often have a small backpack on when detecting, it has my food and drink it in, and another coil usually.  So, I prefer to just clip onto that and my pants belt,

Hi again, if you hook any hipstick onto your pants belt, you are opening yourself up to - as you mentioned - saggy pants.
The whole premise of them is to take direct pressure off the shoulder and direct some of it downward toward the hips. That's why they are such a smart concept. But they also presuppose a pack or harness belt to help keep the direct pressure off the hips as well (and your pants up around your waist). All the best...

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1 minute ago, flakmagnet said:

Hi again, if you hook any hipstick onto your pants belt, you are opening yourself up to - as you mentioned - saggy pants.
The whole premise of them is to take direct pressure off the shoulder and direct some of it downward toward the hips. That's why they are such a smart concept. But they also presuppose a pack or harness belt to help keep the direct pressure off the hips as well (and your pants up around your waist). All the best...

Yes, I understand that, which is why I think the Swingy Thingy is beneficial for lighter detectors, it's not putting it to your hip, more so your shoulders, but that's not overly necessary when detectors are lighter. 

I can see you really like your hip stick, and that's fantastic, I'm not trying to tell you otherwise and I'm sure plenty of Aussie big coil swingers wholeheartedly agree with you, it's obvious you know a lot about it and its benefits and it suits your needs.  I'm just always in pursuit of something better, with just about everything in life so hopefully the new versions of it the people are attempting are improved in some way.   It's also normal for a business to keep working and improving a product, that's how you keep sales up, sales of the hipstick seem to have all but diminished to the point they're hard or impossible to buy anywhere outside of Australia.

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21 minutes ago, phrunt said:

sales of the hipstick seem to have all but diminished to the point they're hard or impossible to buy anywhere outside of Australia.

This is because the Hipstick's inventor has given the manufacturing rights to Jonathan Porter.

And when you say "the Swingy Thingy is beneficial for lighter detectors, it's not putting it to your hip, more so your shoulders" that is the exact opposite of what the hipstick was invented for; to take the weight off the shoulders when using the heavier detectors. 

I think most of us are in pursuit of something better, it's just that not every new iteration of a product is better.


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3 hours ago, flakmagnet said:

Hi again, if you hook any hipstick onto your pants belt, you are opening yourself up to - as you mentioned - saggy pants.
The whole premise of them is to take direct pressure off the shoulder and direct some of it downward toward the hips. That's why they are such a smart concept. But they also presuppose a pack or harness belt to help keep the direct pressure off the hips as well (and your pants up around your waist). All the best...

I have been using Docs Ultra Swingy thingy which came with what Doc calls the Queegle or Quipple (just not sure which)

Doc had a special going when I purchased mine that special included the Ultra Swingy Thingy, Quipple, Bungee system, Saga Swing Arm, and also a utility Belt

I built my own Hip Stick, what I do is once I have the Ultra Swingy thingy on I then put the Utility belt on around my waist and over top of the suspender clamps that attach to your pants, then the Hip Stick I put together attaches onto that utility belt at my waist the top attaches to the rings on the Ultra Swingy Thingy, with the bottom of the hip stick attached to the utility belt it completely takes all the weight off your shoulders and puts the weight down on the utility belt, not pushing down on my pants at all

had it not been for Docs inventions, plus the hip stick I made, and me being determined to not have to give up detecting all together, i would have had to quit detecting, because of injuries I had sustained in my younger days had it not been for me willing to try something new I would have been finished detecting, also with a little instruction from doc to change the way I swing a detector, as it was prior to the harness, Hip Stick, and saga swing arm, I would have been completely finished with my detecting hobby, because of the pain I was experiencing I could only muster about 45 minutes to an hour of detecting, now with everything from Doc and the Hip stick I can at least get out and detect for quite a few hours with out the pain stopping me, those things have made detecting fun again for me

If and when Doc comes up with a newly designed hip stick I will dang sure give it a try, even though I built my own and it is working very well I will still try what ever Doc comes up with as far as a hip stick is concerned.   

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