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When Will The AlgoForce Be Available In The Usa?

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3 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Sadly I think it will be later than sooner

I agree. I fully expect to be waiting for at least a year. Hopefully you, and maybe some other experienced detector operators in the US will be able to get some test units in your hands much sooner and give us some good knowledge of how they do on our soil.

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In the meantime, dealers can sort themselves out, getting accessories for it arranged they can upsell with it, and getting coil stock as I'm sure a shortage of GPX coils is coming, they can source wholesale some good quality power banks, Bluetooth LL transmitters and even start to think about a cover.  DD leather is Australia appears to be going to make covers for its battery area which is a good idea, especially if they follow on and make a lightweight cover, not some big heavy thick canvas thing, it doesn't need to be some heavy cover, there are plenty of lightweight tough materials.


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2 minutes ago, phrunt said:

as I'm sure a shortage of GPX coils is coming

I'm already starting to search for some used coils before they dry up in the market. I'd buy new, but the warranty might be over before I have an e1500 in hand lol 

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If their is in fact an exception to the fcc rule for test units, I would hope there are already a couple on the way to get tested here. 

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Let's also wait how many units they will actually be able to produce. The GPX coil ecosystem is vast and spread across the world, but I doubt the AlgoForce will be a mass producing to meet the demands. Afterall, they are tiny compared to Garrett and Minelab which have established and far reaching networks. They might not even be threatening their market share, at least not anytime soon. Would make more sense if some larger player would just buy them, or their product. Would certainly speed up the larger distribution.


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14 minutes ago, Gold Catcher said:

Would make more sense if some larger player would just buy them, or their product. Would certainly speed up the larger distribution.


And that would most likely eliminate the very attractive price. I'd rather wait, than have one of the best aspects of the e1500 be swallowed and spit out by the competition.  And people need to also understand,  that if a small, new company can put out a machine of this capability, for this price, then all of these well established companies should definitely be able to also. Let the competition weed out the greed. 

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1 hour ago, Ndplumr said:

I agree. I fully expect to be waiting for at least a year. Hopefully you, and maybe some other experienced detector operators in the US will be able to get some test units in your hands much sooner and give us some good knowledge of how they do on our soil.

That I do not expect at all. Months maybe, but not a year.

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

I'm sure a shortage of GPX coils is coming,

That was coming when Minelab discontinued the 5000..   I wouldn't be surprised if the E1500 saved a few jobs at both Coiltek and NF.


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Would be smart if Coiltek would buy them ? But more seriously, I hope this will at some point lead to price reductions for the Axiom, SDC and 6k (after they just raised it). This would already be a great outcome on its own. Competition always works, assuming the competitor is being taken seriously instead of just being viewed as a local Au shop.


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They should not be bought out, what's made them great is they are themselves answering to nobody.  Like every business they'll grow and expand as necessary, they're obviously run by very smart people who I'm sure are capable of sorting it all out, as income grows from sales they'll expand, having more demand than supply is a great problem for them to have.  They'll catch up with time, and jump through the hurdles of selling in the US.  I doubt it will take them that long, a few months.

If it doesn't cause other brands to respond in some way, they're asleep at the wheel.  I can't wait to see what the Algoforce E3000 brings in the future.  This first unit is really good, and the next one will only be better, it's fantastic to have a new player in the market offering a good product and with extremely reasonable pricing keeping the big boys in line.

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