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New Legend With Odd Lg24 Behavior

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Greetings everyone. I received my new Nokta Legend yesterday. I also purchased the LG24 coil with it. So immediately that coil was the one I installed and used.

I'm having some odd falsing. Any time the coil comes into contact with something (small brush/ tall weeds) or when I sit it down to dig a target it flases/chirps.  Turned the sensitivity all the way down to 10 and this still happens with abrupt movement or any type of bump to the coil.  I have re-wrapped the coil cable on the shaft and checked connection twice now with no change. On a whim I decided to put the coil facing straight into the air and gently pressed around the coil. When I reached the Nokta sticker it did the falsing. So then I gently tapped the bottom of the coil cover with my finger and false again. No ring, watch, or anything else on at the time.

Is this something that is "normal" with these Legend coils? It sure doesn't seem normal to me. I contacted who I purchased it form and he referred me to the Nokta USA support form. I filled it out.

Has anyone else seen this problem? I'd hate to think I just bought this thing and it has a problem. Only 4 hrs use. Dry land, no water, and I'm not a coil scrubber. Not seen this with my other detectors, but did remember some of this in the past with a Teknetics T2 LTD with a Cors Shrew coil, just not this severe.

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The sticker location on the LG24 is the coil hot spot. When you set the detector aside to dig a target the coil may be picking up any EMI area. Sounds as if the sensitivity setting was set high. At high sensitivity settings, depending on the discrimination pattern, the coil may also pick up any ground mineralization. 
As an example in goldfield, recovery 3 or 4, in all metal, sensitivity 16 to 18 the LG24 is stable but the coil will pick up hot rocks and EMI when set aside. At sensitivity 25 plus every stick, rock or brush hit with the coil will product a signal. When you lift the coil to avoid contact the signal should not be repeatable. When the coil is in motion the EMI should drop off. On my ground with the “ground discrimination pattern” the hot rocks drop off along with detection depth even at a higher sensitivity setting. I have found in goldfield search mode adjusting swing speed for a lower recovery speed, a mid range sensitivity setting, all metal, produces a cleaner threshold target break plus slightly more depth. 

There’s a similar discussion regarding sensitivity settings on the ML Manticore entitled  “Normal vs Overdrive”. 

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I was running Park in M1. Also tried M3.  Sensitivity was never ran higher than 16. Took down to as low as 10 and still noticed the falsing. I didn't do any coil scrubbing or come into contact with the ground on my sweeps. The only time that coil touched the ground was when the detector was being put down to dig a target. I did run across some weeds and of course got the blip-beep sound off. Sounded chatter for a second but this was out in someone's yard today, in the country. I had already done an auto noise cancel and ground balance. Tried putting the GB at Zero also but it didn't seem to act any differently.

The ground I was hunting this evening seemed slightly sandy in spots. I also used it here at my house earlier. It was acting very similar with the touchy coil at home too. Not to say it didn't find things. I dug up a little 22LR bullet this evening. It wasn't very deep though. But shows the Legend is sensitive to small things. Sort of like my Equinox is.


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Going to try the LG30 tomorrow. I've only had limited experience with it tonight in the house. And it did not seem to be anywhere close to the LG24 with the falsing. I could touch the LG30 coil all the way around and it did not false. Even tried gentle pressing on coil cover like I did the LG24, and the LG30 only chirped a single time. Sensitivity 10.

This Legend came with the 1.11 firmware already installed. I'm wondering if a Factory reset would do anything about this situation.

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2 hours ago, RobNC said:

Any time the coil comes into contact with something (small brush/ tall weeds) or when I sit it down to dig a target it flases/chirps. 

That's most likely two different issues.

The former -might- be a defective coil. The latter, given that the coil is stationary, is most likely EMI. 

No, a factory reset shouldn't have any effect on what you're experiencing.

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V1.13 is the latest firmware. I use the LG24 on ground that balances 42 to 52. Lots of volcanic and hot rocks. Even with the sensitivity at 30 I did not experience the issues you are having unless the LG24 actually hit something plus I do scrub the coil. Have you checked under the coil cover for debris?

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I don’t think he’s had time to accumulate any debris under the coil cover... Imho I think you’ve got a faulty LG24. It sounds like a loose connection somewhere internally.

At the beach I can knock the wet sand off mine by banging it on my shoe and not a murmur from it. Yours is definitely knock sensitive by the sounds.

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14 hours ago, RobNC said:

Greetings everyone. I received my new Nokta Legend yesterday. I also purchased the LG24 coil with it. So immediately that coil was the one I installed and used.

I'm having some odd falsing. Any time the coil comes into contact with something (small brush/ tall weeds) or when I sit it down to dig a target it flases/chirps.  Turned the sensitivity all the way down to 10 and this still happens with abrupt movement or any type of bump to the coil.  I have re-wrapped the coil cable on the shaft and checked connection twice now with no change. On a whim I decided to put the coil facing straight into the air and gently pressed around the coil. When I reached the Nokta sticker it did the falsing. So then I gently tapped the bottom of the coil cover with my finger and false again. No ring, watch, or anything else on at the time.

Is this something that is "normal" with these Legend coils? It sure doesn't seem normal to me. I contacted who I purchased it form and he referred me to the Nokta USA support form. I filled it out.

Has anyone else seen this problem? I'd hate to think I just bought this thing and it has a problem. Only 4 hrs use. Dry land, no water, and I'm not a coil scrubber. Not seen this with my other detectors, but did remember some of this in the past with a Teknetics T2 LTD with a Cors Shrew coil, just not this severe.

I have had my LG24 for over a year and it has taken a beating in the goldfields where I have used it the most. This coil has over 200 hours of use.

I started noticing more coil knock recently using the LG24. I checked the connection where the coil cable enters the coil. It was loose and the O ring was only partially held by the nut. I loosened the nut some more, repositioned the O ring and hand tightened the nut. That has helped some but I still get detected target type responses when I tap the strain relief area where the cable enters the coil even at sensitivity levels below 20.

My other Legend coils do not have this issue.

So, you may have a defective brand new LG24 and may have one that is wearing out!

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