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Eclipse Coming Up.

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Out of the blue so to speak....

UFOs or UAPs as they are called these days, (unexplained aerial phenomenon) have always intrigued me.
Being a sci-fi , trekky, Asimov, Feist fiction fan, I like to think I've got an open mind on the subject.
With claims in and from far before the Bible, of beings from the sky visiting with some kind of "Godlike" powers... 
And modern day reports and claims since our first nuclear testing... 

Anyway, the recent release of US military UAP footage, has given much credence to the subject of late.

What has this to do with prospecting you ask?

Well... I was wondering if anyone had seen or had any strange experiences while out prospecting they'd like to share?

A chance to vent ...

edit: I believe there is something. Way too many respectable and reliable witnesses. The question as always is what?

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I also believe that we are not alone in this mass universe, but have not yet seen a UFO. However there has been a few times that while sluicing or panning in a certain area I knew that I was not alone. We have heard things and seen things that could not be explained while in the creeks. We were not drinking at the time, but we believe that there were people panning the same creek from days long past. Could they have been ghost's, I think it may have been possible but has not been proven as of yet. When you are out there seemingly alone I believe that there is someone who was there before who is no longer with us.

Just my opinion and beliefs on this, and hope one day maybe I will get to see a UFO.

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