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Buying Your Own Mining Claim: Let The Buyer Beware

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unfortunately once someone gets the dream in their head they often refuse to be rational.

Boy, you can say that again. Its like once I try to talk a little bit about reality, I am seen as if I am personally trying to stomp on their dreams. Sorry gents, there really aint no free lunch.

The people who sell the claims have been around for years, and some are more and some less dishonest. However I've seen a big uptick in the number of these folks out there. Its like one outfit has made some good money with this technique and so competition has suddenly sprung forth. If you get a GPAA magazine, there is a big two page spread for one. I saw another that gave itself a name like it was not a business, but a government agency.  Its a game of whack-a-mole.

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There is still lots of good open ground where you can file or pay to have a claim filed for you, its  still out there. First learn to use a Pan, use a shovel, and sample many places, the more the better. Dig down a few layers to bedrock if possible and sample again.

There are open areas where the old timers came thru and removed all the fine gold, screening off the nuggets for us :) Down side is a few passes by a good detector operator and most of the gold is gone so you should begin checking for fine gold first! Use your shovel and pan until you find a good pay layer then Drywashers, Recirculators, or a Sluce if your near a stream will be the tools of choice, Dig and run a 3x3x3 foot area, weigh up the results and good Luck.


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Just my 2 cents worth. Those bastards you talked about are out there waiting for you.

It took me about an hour to get into buying the claim and 4 months getting out of and getting my money back from the claim. Usually once the flim flam men get your money they are gone. Luckily I had used a credit card and after 27 pages of documentation and 3 months of waiting, the credit company did a charge back against this guys account. That didn't of course pay for my 4 trips to county offices and 3 trips to the BLM office in Sacramento or all the paperwork  and fees for the non existent claim.

So, if you're still interested, Steve and Chris have some great advice when it comes to claims. As for myself I'll join a club that has some viable claims.

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 Is it coincidental that this topic has come up? In the last 3 weeks I have had 3 people call and ask me how to handle claims problems. I won't go into details here but perhaps we need to start policing our own. Very touchy subject.

Steve- You have listed 9 important points to consider before getting involved with a claim. Do you intend to list the next 217?

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I get a kick out of reading of the $250 additional fee when purchasing an eBay paper claim. Proof positive that there is no existing claim, rather just a promise to file a claim and deed after you pay the additional $250.

I've seen it done and the stupid seller forgot to file it at the county. Buyer has been filing his annuals, looks good on the BLM Serial Register Page, but still not a valid claim.

I've also seen buyers go directly to BLM and purchase 160 acres (4-40) and guess what, still no county recording 6 months later. BLM doesn't care, they got their money.


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Good topic,

Steve, you should stick your and Chris's advice on this forum, and just forward anyone with questions to it. 

  Hate to see people get screwed out of their money. 


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