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My Battery Usage Today


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A little battery FYI.....


It seems that the battery run time has been on a few forums as to needing a power bank. I think, seeing what I saw today, the only time one might need a power bank is, if your out in the wild and can't charge your battery for a day or two. Or, you forgot to charge your batteries the night before. I think the latter situation will more of a problem that the first for most hunters, I could be wrong.
I ran my EQ today for 5 1/2 hrs straight, using the wireless head phones and used 1 bar. After seeing that, I'm holding off on getting a power bank. I never ran into the situation on my CTX where I needed to use the AA battery pack, even though I always had one on hand. I'm a little obsessive when it comes to keeping my battery charged, my habit after every hunt is to pull my battery and start charging. I don't I'll ever use a full charge in a days hunt at my age, there was a day ,but, that day is gone.

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Pretty much as I expected to hear......a lot of "energy" was lost on all the posts pertaining to the battery in the Equinox. Here is to hoping we continue to see that over 50% of the gloom and doom posts of the past 5 months continue to prove as wasted time!

Thanks for the input Dan.


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The reality since day one is that if you charge every day or two none of it matters. I have been telling everyone that for months. Mistakes happen however and you can bet I will always have an accessory external pack with me for any critical detecting trips - just in case. From that perspective I don’t consider any information to be wasteful but the negativity - yeah, that’s been over the top.

Thanks Dan.

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The spare LiIon battery pack in the vehicle is a habit I formed several years ago with the Deus.  I even have one the size of a paperback book that can jump start my car.  Yeah, it was a non-issue from the get go, but many folks just need to see it to believe it and I can't fault them for that.

Even the "but I can always puck up a spare set of AA's from the local 7-11" holds for the Equinox because these power packs are so ubiquitous I have actually seen them on sale in 7-11's and for not much more than a couple of AA four-packs.

Glad we're getting the confirmation from the users.

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Dan's data seems extremely close to what Inhave witnessed.

Only thing I can add, wireless headphone battery seems to charge back to full faster than detector's battery hooked to same charger.

Folks can use auto thingy for charging too, like on your way to your detecting site. Or in between time when moving from one site to another driving.  

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