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Goldmonster Question....?????


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Somewhere in this, or possibly another forum, I read that if the GM is in manual sensitivity that it won't ground balance (fade) out a target like in Auto????  Not sure if the GM only auto ground balances while in auto or does it always auto ground balance even in manual sensitivity????  Hope that my question makes sense......  Still snow on ground so can't test this myself just yet....

Thanks guys.........

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I have been using the GM 1000 since they came out and your question does make sense I run mine in manual sens all the time accept when the ground gets to noisy then I will switch over to auto sens or auto plus the auto plus you will here a little ground noise and in auto none what I have found that in manual sense it does not seem to track out anything but in auto and auto plus I have noticed that if you swing over your target to long it will track the target out or cancel the target out, the manual that came with the GM 1000 is kind of vague and useless I do not believe in manual sens that the GM 1000 is auto balancing or tracking because when I am running mine in manual sens I will adjust the sensitivity by what the ground is saying in other words if the ground gets really quite I will increase the sensitivity and if it starts to get really noisy I will decrease the sensitivity I hope this make sense to you as to what I am saying

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I agree with Dsmith.  Manual Sensitivity will not track out the gold.  I keep mine on this most of the time.  

Auto sensitivity, however, is really good in mild ground and can give you more sensitivity than Manual at 10.  But I am not fortunate enough to be able to really test this.  I believe this has been discussed a few times in this forum.


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Thanks guys and all your answers make sense and I understand what all of you have said.  I've got about 12-15hrs on machine last season (no gold...YET) and ran in auto 95% of time while trying to learn the machine.  The balancing out targets doesn't bother me and I understand it....but was curious about the question I asked so I'll play with it in manual when I can get out and see how things go? For now I'll keep digging all repeatable targets until I learn the machine.  Already dug lots of lead, small lead fragments, shell casings, 1906 V-nickel, square nails, large steel rivets, small copper rivets, etc. so I think I'm on the right track.........if I can get coil over some gold??


thanks again

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I also dig every signal and have been doing that since 09 or 2010

I wish I was in an area I could run in manual 10 I always try to but the ground where I detect is really mineralized and the GM 1000 is really noisy at manual 10 I usually am running at a manual sensitivity of 6 to 8 to start and I have been down as low as manual 3, before I got the GM 1000 I was running my X TERRA 705 with the tracking activated in prospecting mode and I would occasionally check the GB numbers on the 705 I have seen GB numbers in the mid to high 40s on the 705 and as low as single digit numbers and I have seen the GB numbers change drastically with in a 10 to 20 foot area they would go from high 40s to a single digit number with in that area with the 705 the lower the GB numbers the hotter the ground is,or more mineralized thats one reason I have never been able to run the GM 1000 at manual 10

I have never ran the GM 1000 lower than 3 in manual sens though, if the ground gets noisy at manual 3 then I usually switch over to auto plus the auto sens setting for me is just to quiet the auto plus gives a little ground feed back which I like

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Well curiosity got me about the auto sens balancing target out.  I NEVER do air tests or coin gardens, etc, don't trust them compared to in the field.  Like I said...curiosity got me so I grabbed a zinc penny and tossed it out in the yard. With the 5" coil I went over it maybe 1-2" while in auto (not auto+) and signal stayed strong until I raised coil 6"+ then it started to fade once I had more depth.  Then I tried manual 10 and signal stayed strong and never faded.  I started to lose the signal (not fading but breaking up) once I started to reach max depth around 10-11" range?  I was surprised at how much stronger and deeper manual 10 was over auto...period.  Auto started losing strength around 6" and manual stayed strong right up to 10".  I did not try auto+.  Manual got me at least 3"+ over auto on depth alone.  I will definitely try manual as high as the ground allows me to once I get out in real world...........

take all this with a grain...just thought I'd pass it on.

Thanks again for your responses and great info!!!!!

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oneguy I will tell you this when you are actually detecting if you raise your coil off the ground to high it will throw everything out of whack on the GM 1000 and you will have to do a re ground balance of it and I know it sounds strange but its a fact and what I mean by to high while actually detecting is 6-8 inches is to high what I do is turn the GM 1000 on and wait for the auto frequency to set and then I will do some figure eights on a piece of ground that I know does not have any targets you will here the ground balance and the tracking come together and it will quiet down and then hunt if you raise the coil at any time over 6-8 inches you need to do the re GB again as it gets out of whack and I know it sounds strange but it works

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Thanks for bringing that up guys....  didn't even think about the balance changing while trying a depth test.  Out in the field I'll pay attention to keeping the coil to the soil as best as possible......and re-balance if and when I can't.  Thanks!!!!!!

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