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Pinpointing with the SDC 2300

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I seem to be having a little trouble in pinpointing my targets.

With the GPX 5000 I am spot on in getting the target in my scoop.

With the 2300 I seem to be going a little right of where I think the target is.

I eventually get the target, but am wasting time in my retrieval . It is a numbers game and it needs improvement.

Anyone else having these issues? Or am I the only special one. LOL

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Same here--takes a little getting used to but mine seems to be hottest at about 10:00----and when i was missing targets they were usually to the right of where i thought they should be.... try it...


if that doesn't work take two aspirins and call me and we will go together to your favorite patch ;)

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The 2300, isn't the best pin pointing coil out there. Seems the outside coil is dead to me? Hot spot on the coil is like a half inch from outer edge of coil. On small dinks, I scooping up dirt like a backhoe trying to find my target. Larger nuggets I'll find in my first scoop, but them little guys I hear what your saying! If your in a trashy area, I will scrape my magnet on the end of my pick in the pile of dirt before I kneel down to recovery my target. Bottom line is this machine finds gold, find that target!


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Exactly Lucky,


That is kinda what i was saying about once i pinpoint it--the target seems to be off to the right and kind of surprises me.... those little things are murder to find!!! But if anyone is in a good patch and need help digging-----i am a good digger!!!! just ask Border Boy---


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I found using a section of the edge of the coil worked pretty well to narrow down where the signal was coming from.

The problem I had was that the SDC 2300 is so good, it was sounding off on really tiny pieces of metal. For example, a piece of shot from a gun cartridge that was a little bigger than a pinhead. Finding that in the dirt I dug out was the hard part. And the Garret Propointer didn't register a thing. At the time I didn't have a plastic scoop handy to toss the dirt over the detector, but I have that covered now. So hopefully next time it wont take me 20 minutes to pull out a target!

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