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I Just Did A Coin On Edge Test....

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4 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Got it in the right spot so we are good. Thanks.


Why do you reckon its having a bit of trouble?

Coz its limited to a certain VDI on the Equinox and the machine is trying to read higher or something?

Sorry for my lack of forensic analysis there...but, hopefully you know what i mean...lol.

Say for example if the VDI on the Equinox was 0-99 do you think it would then be hitting with zero probs or something else?



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There is nothing wrong per se with the detector.   And whether Minelab deems to modify Park 1 etc is up to them.  This wrapping phenomena of Large High Conductors around into the ground mineral and iron ID area is well understood and has been for decades.

What can affect this?

1. Choices by the designer of the discrimination circuit.

2. Target signal strength.

3. Ground Mineralization.

4. Coil types.

If the Equinox were a one trick pony(beep dig machine) then the user would have to live with the behavior that the designer chose.  And in the past that's what a user would have to do.  If your Acme 7000 XLT acted this way then tough luck, live with it.

But the Equinox is a box full of detectors in one, so push a button and solve the problem.

Now in regards to the beaten horse.  The horse may be dead but several of it's cousins who are jackasses continue to push this as a big issue.  Many consider themselves experts and even own the Equinox, all the while thumping on Minelab for any and every issue.  The hypocrisy they exhibit is demonstrated in the fact that they themselves have discussed the topic of the wrap phenomena at length on other forums concerning other brands and models.  Yet not one peep from them in criticism of those other brands. 

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4 hours ago, LowTide said:

There is nothing wrong per se with the detector. And whether Minelab deems to modify Park 1 etc is up to them. This wrapping phenomena of Large High Conductors around into the ground mineral and iron ID area is well understood and has been for decades.

What can affect this?

1. Choices by the designer of the discrimination circuit.

2. Target signal strength.

3. Ground Mineralization.

4. Coil types.

If the Equinox were a one trick pony(beep dig machine) then the user would have to live with the behavior that the designer chose. And in the past that's what a user would have to do. If your Acme 7000 XLT acted this way then tough luck, live with it.

But the Equinox is a box full of detectors in one, so push a button and solve the problem.

Now in regards to the beaten horse. The horse may be dead but several of it's cousins who are jackasses continue to push this as a big issue. Many consider themselves experts and even own the Equinox, all the while thumping on Minelab for any and every issue. The hypocrisy they exhibit is demonstrated in the fact that they themselves have discussed the topic of the wrap phenomena at length on other forums concerning other brands and models. Yet not one peep from them in criticism of those other brands.



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There have been some posts on various sites about experiments with on-edge coins, rolls of coins, stacks of coins, etc.  A lot of digital detectors seem to produce anomalous results when confronted with high-conductivity coins not displaying the expected profile.  I'm sure that, on the whole, digital processing is superior; but this is one area in which the old analog machines are probably harder to fool.

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Do you think the Equinox is trying to read over 40 on the VDI...but because it is limited to a maximum of 40....that's why it cant give a signal on it?

Minelab obviously see it as a problem as they have personally replied to me in an email and said the engineers are seriously looking into it.



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Mark G. did another video on this issue -- with gold coins and a gold ring.  IMO, Mark's videos are always meaningful.

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Yup that video matches my experience. There are many good signals that are misinterpreted when the sweep is not overlapping. It's easy to adjust though if, when you get a confused hit, you go back and overlap and also use different angles to listen.

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  • 1 month later...

Not to drag a month old dead horse back to the top and beat it again and please forgive me if what I'm about to say has been posted already.

Having said that, have you guys tried lowering the iron bias and repeating these tests?

Having just picked my 800 up I've been reading everything I can find on it which lead me to this thread. The iron bias setting made a world of difference with a large silver on edge when I tried it. 

Again, I apologize if this is old news.

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