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That's a very well done review sir!

I have been using the MultiKruzer for a few months now, and am thoroughly impressed with the platform.  With the depth it'll detect lead BB pellets,shotgun pellets, 22 bullets and shell casings I'm sure the 61khz platform will be a great prospecting and jewelry machine.

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As always a very good review Steve H.,and made me decide to buy the new Gold Kruzer!

Thanks Steve

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I tried to focus on differences between the Gold Racer and Gold Kruzer pointing out features unique to the Gold Kruzer, plus mentioning possible concerns like coil ears, which were an issue in the past. If I forget some key thing, just ask. Except for any "take an hour and go test this for me" stuff - I am up to my eyebrows in alligators right now.

To reiterate, here are the package contents so far as what actually comes in the box with the Gold Kruzer for the current internet price in the U.S. of $749


Pretty much everything you need. Key accessory items to consider would be the waterproof port to 1/4" adapter for anyone wanting to plug standard headphones into the Gold Kruzer. There is the external AA battery pack for "just in case" or off grid use. The waterproof headphones for those wanting to stick the detector underwater, and the one accessory coil available at this time (5" x 9.5" DD).


Closeup of the waterproof headphones. These are shipping now to distributors and should already be available to order online.


And finally, if you need spare parts, here is the current list of available parts....


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I want to highlight that Makro made a big decision in deciding to go with a concentric coil as a stock coil instead of the DD, although the smaller included coil is a DD design. This goes against the recent trend to DD coils and indicates that Makro understands that concentric coils have advantages when it comes to discerning ferrous from non-ferrous targets. Concentric coils also tend to have simplified responses on small shallow targets which also aids when working with very small surface targets.

I still have an early optional concentric coil for my Gold Racer (DD was stock on the Gold Racer). The early coils had issues with coil ears breaking and so I want to try and show here just how much beefier these new coil ears are. My old coil has an off white plastic that makes it obvious in the photo - the new Kruzer coils are closer to pure white. Also, as noted in the review, 1/4 inch has been shaved from the coil thickness, so the new coil is 0.75 inch thick where the old one was 1.0 inch thick. Due to the extra coil ear plastic etc. the coil did not lose a lot of weight, but is a few grams lighter at 384 grams new versus 390 grams for the older coil.


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Its a pity that the Gold mode here wasn't added to the Multi Kruzer. That would have saved having 2 machines and given us all an all rounder . It would have been like an Equinox without simultaneous Multi frequency .

As soon as i get my adaptor for my Gray Ghosts i will find a nice beach to test my M K .

There's a Rally at the end of August , along with my Nox i will take the Kruzer too .

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