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Hey Fisher, Can You Hear Me?

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Unless you are looking for a new pulse induction beach detector there appears to be little chance of anything else happening this year. From this thread about the new pulse induction detector in the works:

”Yes, there is a new PI in the works, that is no secret. It's not on my bench, rather it's designed by our guy in France, Alexandre. The electronics are done, we're just trying to get a decent (& waterproof) mechanical enclosure designed for it. At FTP, that's not a fast process, but neither is anything else we do. Spring is out; Summer is highly unlikely; Fall, maybe. No promises.” Carl Moreland, First Texas

I am interested in one of these myself and hope they make it out the door before December. If not, no worries, there is always next year.

There are new coin and gold type detectors in the works and have been for some time, but no hint that they will show before next year. We can always hope they will surprise us though - fingers crossed! :smile:

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I do not want to ask too much about the details, but will the new Fisher -VLF ?detector be? a Multifrequency?

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4 hours ago, Geotech said:

Hear ya loud n clear. We have stuff in the works but I can't tell you to delay a purchase based on "it's in the works." The Equinox convinced a whole lotta people to sell their AT Pro, my goal is to come out with something that convinces a whole lotta people to sell their Equinox.

Carl this isn't a knock at you at all, but for the past ten years we've been hearing that FTP is coming out with the next big thing.  All of the rehashed detectors FTP has been releasing haven't exactly been setting the detecting world on fire (although apparently they sell well enough to build the new FTP plant), and you could write a book on all of the permutations on a theme that exist within the F75 line.  

I'm amazed that a tiny company in Turkey has been eating your lunch, perhaps the powers that be at FTP are unaware of this up and coming detecting competitor, but if the best that FTP can offer is "it's in the works" I wonder how they can expect people to take them seriously?  

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if the right people - like Carl .. in the right place, plus enough positive energy, so it is possible to make a perfect detector ...

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