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Just Discovered Lidar. Amazing Insight Into Old Sites

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And so my research led me to LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) in the UK.  Its incredible!    Some sites are just reworked modern changes, but roman/medieval furrows are unmistakable, so are forts, mounds and village earthworks.

Currently im scanning the landscape all around my area (within a 15 mile range at the moment).   

That's why i'm loving this hobby, because its not all about the cool detectors, the kit, the fun, the challenge and the exercise, but also much more about deep research, which involves a lot of thinking, and true history we can touch.  Its got a lot going for it that's for sure!  But i'm preaching to the converted i suppose ? 

The hobby has it all! and LIDAR is just one more tool in the research arsenal.  For other noobs like me, give it a try, its an excellent resource.

Happy detecting,


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Where is there information on LIDAR, and how to use it?


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Hello Sittingelf, good to meet you.

Glad your interested!  Here is the UK site to give you some idea of its features etc.


Im hoping you chaps over the pond will have a similar resource.

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I see LIDAR being used on drones, and it's incredible what it's uncovering.  Using it in the jungles in south America to rediscover completely lost ancient cities. 

I'm ready to sign up for one!

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Yep it is amazing.  I figured it out about a year ago and it has been a huge help with prospecting and figuring out what the old timers were doing at the old mines.  

It took awhile to figure out how to find the lidar data that is out there then the programs to actually turn the raw data into something usable.  Each state generally has its own GIS database.  Some providing only .las files which then have to be converted to DEM files to be usable, I have not found a good program to reliably take .las files and turn them into DEM type files.  Some states provide both .las files and DEM files.  The DEM files are much friendlier for various programs to work with.  

Andy2640 - 

The application you have for lidar over there is awesome, i wish each state over here would use a similar program.  Our is much harder to find and use.  


The below link is to the site that shows which areas in the US have lidar available.  A lot of areas have recently been done and the data is not available yet.  

Hope this helps!

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I've recently made the Lidar discovery.  To say it opens a whole new world would be a gross understatement.  The lidar data files can be integrated into Google Earth Pro where Lidar imagery can be turned on or off by clicking the box to the left of the file name.  Using GE allows measuring distances and pinpointing GPS coordinates.  I've been able to walk right to cellar holes with coordinates put into my GPS from GE. Amazing stuff!  Depending on your location and what Lidar data may be available you may need a program to convert las files to DEM files.

Photo shows square cellar hole and stone walls in top Lidar image and GE image with Lidar off.

Now I'm looking for a high tech way to automate digging targets.


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Yeah i found a site where it overlays with google earth, and you just switch it on/off at will.   I have also found forts where officially they say they are 500m metres  away.  A bit conspiratorial - but perhaps they do this to keep people off the land.

Check it out guys.





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