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Peter Say's Hello From Australia


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Hopefully this is the right place for introductions from fellow detector user's? 


I started detecting in the early 80's with a Dick Smith kit that consisted of a premade PCB and a bag of components. The PCB went together quite well but making the coil from the supplied wire was a challenge!

It eventually worked and I found lots of junk and bullets in an old copper mine.

I progressed to Minelab's Goldseeker 15000 and purchased it when they were still operating out of the back of a house in Adelaide. This machine was a huge step up for me as it actually found gold in my state (South Australia) in area's that are still mined today.

From there the roller coaster ride has continued with the GT16000, XT17000, SD2000, SD2200, GP3000, GPX4000 to my current GPX5000.

I have skipped some generations of ML's machines as finances and opportunities' dictated but feel that I have used a good spread of their offerings.

All the ML machines have to date paid for themselves in gold found and usually the accommodation and general expenses as well! 

I still work full time and only get to the gold fields for less than 4 weeks a year so I'm looking forward to picking up my GPZ7000 in two weeks and giving some goldfields a thrashing

I have lurked on the side of this forum for some time and find it to be a step above what I'm used to and hope that it continues to give balanced, thoughtful and appropriate information to fellow gold fossickers




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Thanks for the history.  


Steve has assembled a good readership of the experienced and newer to detecting followers and sharers.  He can always use more experienced sharers and so can I.


Glad to have you here.



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Welcome Peter.......... :D

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