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White's Rant ( Or Feedback )

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I've been a dedicated White's guy for over 20 years of detectors;  GM VSAT,  GMT,  MXT,  TDI, TDI SL (X2) , TDI PRO, SGT and the GMZ....(remember that detector?) so I suppose I feel just a bit  "entitled" to talk a little bit  $h*T  here.  I  know the company's gone through engineering and management upheavals in recent years anyway,  staying  loyal to this company as been a tough journey.  I'm glad they finally  did something to up date the Goldmaster series with the 24k. Five to ten years too late......maybe and time will tell. The industry has changed in a big way in just the last year.  Too bad they couldn't have also made the appropriate  power and tuning up grades to the TDI SL  as well  (which has already been done  by talented do - it- yourself tinkerers out there and sold on ebay).  I know the SL now comes with new paint and a straight rod ......so what!  I just could not wait any longer and anyone who watches the classifieds has seen my TDI fire sale  recently. Sorry for the "sour grapes attitude" but I just had to vent. On a more positive note  and for this single frequency detector,  I can see the 24K showing good promise in tailing pile work.  Sorry for the rant,  its been building for a LONG time! 

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Well, there is no doubt White's, like a couple other outfits, have got caught behind the curve. The good news is White's has an enthusiastic and very hard working young man in the form of Tom Boykin trying hard to get new products out the door. I feel your frustration but at the same time wish Tom and White's success going forward.

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Hard Prospector

Reading the long list of White’s Detectors you have had tells me you been around the block a few times with White’s.

Don’t get me wrong because I don’t have a inside track but if you just look at what’s came out the door just lately. This is just a small amount we have yet to see coming from White’s.

To me the major thing White’s has going for them is Tom Boykin . I base this on that Tom is willing to listen to us on what we want in a detector. We know we’re not going to get everything but I do believe he’s telling his company. Then in turn he’s asking his people can we make this happen.

Again HP you just hang on it’s just lots coming in 2018. We’ve in for a exciting wild ride.


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Whites seems to be trying to rebuild its lineup from the bottom up. They have to get to the top of the line eventually. To me the V3i has great bones for a new flagship if they would add better demod filters, more aggressive tracking, a couple more frequencies, much more speed, imaging, updates, mobile online interface, and waterproof housing. I've been very critical of Whites reluctance to listen to guys like Carl Moreland and get on board the technology boom. They have been somewhat left behind, but that is more from a gadgety and feature perspective. They do still have machines, new and old, that in the proper hands can go out there and kick some ass nomatter how many features and gadgety gimmicks other machines have. I love the iconic black box style machines as do many old timers. But it's time to add a modern flare to those boxes and what they've done so far is not it. It needs to be more integrated into the shaft so it doesn't just look like a box on a pole. I'd like to see more detailed and comfortable arm cuffs with a box that flares on the edges a bit and covers the shaft. The MX Sport is gorgeous. Something between that and the black box might please everyone and retain some of that classic iconic look. 

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I could go on and on about the "treadmill" I've been on with this company over the past 8 years. Lots of promises and plenty of let downs. I can't tell you how many times I was told; "The upgrades you want are coming just hang in there a little longer".......year after year. I put off getting a SDC2300 because of it, and then these so called up grades (to the SL) turned out to be brown paint and a straight rod. I couldn't believe it! I love the SL , its so lite  I can swing it all day without my rotator cuff screaming  come evening.  I could ramble on but I won't  as negativity is infectious,   enough is enough. I do believe White's is a better place now with an enthusiastic marketing guy like Tom.  I hope they listen to him more. I'll just sign off here with the hope that White's has a multi frequency VLF  in the works and coming out soon,  innovate or evaporate someone once said.

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Hard Prospector

 Surely you have heard the term the squeaky wheel gets the most grease. Knowing what one wants is not being negative.

Did you ever think just maybe we at fault just as much as White’s for sitting on our butts and not asking or not happy with the same old BS.

 I know you said you have been asking for something better but one light shining alone is not bright. That’s what makes this forum great. It puts out so much light it’s almost to the point of blinding them.

 Competition is another big factor in our favor that’s made the detector companies stop sitting on their hands and doing nothing.

 The day of them saying we will give them what we want is over. It’s the other way around because if they don’t have it another will.

If you go buy a car but they don’t have all you want on it plus the price is high,we keep looking.Then you go to another and they have want you want at a better price. Do you ever go back to the first place you went to ? We all know the answer to that.

 I’m not going to say you but I know for myself when it comes to a detector I’d do the same thing as I would if it was a car.


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Hey I just want to let you guys know that your feedback is heard. That is why I love my job so much. I can take customer complaints or requests and try to turn them into features on the next machine.

One of the phrases that has been stuck in my head the past few months was passed along by a much wiser man than me:

"You can have anything you want. But you can't have everything you want."

I would say this is especially true in product design. The challenge comes in balancing what it takes to make a successful product without it falling into development purgatory and taking 15 years.

Please continue communicating what you want to manufacturers, as if they hear it enough there is a much better chance they will do something about it. But the best way is to go direct - https://www.whiteselectronics.com/contact-us/

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